Who Got Up at 5 am?



Got up at 5 am to start the smoker. I have a 9lb butt going. Here it is 8 o'clock, and it already smells good. Anyone else ever start that early? BTW... dinner is a 7 this evening.
You better turn up the heat or consider using foil. I can't speak for everyone, but generally, I think if dinner is at 7pm and the butt weighs 9 lbs, I would put the butt on around midnight the night before. When I get up at 5am, I'm checking the temp and YES, it do smell gooood!

Good luck with your cook, but realize - at 225º-250º you're looking at about a 16 hour cook and a couple hours rest.
I agree with Jerry on the cook time. That's been my experience, too.

Given that your dinner is at 7:00 this evening, I'd like to quote Sonarman 2nd Class Ronald Jones in The Hunt for Red October: "This one's gonna be close!"

Do let us know how it comes out, okay? Good luck!!
I just pulled two butts off this morning. It's my first time doing butts but they look great. Put them on about 7:30 last night, it was a 5 pounder and a 4.5 pounder. Went out this morning and expected to have to add more coals, smoker was still pegged at 250 so I went to flip the butts and took the temp and they were already over 199 internal, that is as high as my thermo goes for some reason. Pulled them both and foiled and wrapped in a beach towel. They were falling apart. In total just under a 12 hour smoke. I used Mesquite and Pecan.
Well..... Yes and No. I usually start mine around 11PM so I can sleep a nice restful night. I usually get up and check it around 7AM. It usually is done between 3-4PM.
I was up at 6:00 spraying down my first brisket with apple juice after being up to about 1:30 am, is that close enough?

I've found pork takes about 1 to 1/2 hours per pound at 225, your 4.5 and 5 pounder were probably done after about 6 to 8 hours at 250.
It turned out great! Thanks for the input guys. I had to get up early again this morning for work Ugh!
I got up at 4.30..... I Put 3 butts on at 7.00 friday night and shut the lid and did not look at them again 4.30 saturday morning. Checked the temp and they where at about 174 so I pulled them off wrapped in foil and sat in a cooler until 11. Then I pull them, put them in a pan added some apple juice put them in the oven at 175 until 1.30 (after my daughter's soccer game) took them to the party and they were great.
The butts turned out good, Matt you are probably right, they were probably on a little too long, one of them was a little over done but they still ended up pretty good. I guess it is good that butts are so forgiving. I just kept hearing everyone on here talking about 20 hour cooks. I guess they must have been doing much larger cuts.
Never had one go 20 hours, I usually cook mine at 225 and the last two I did were around 8 lbs after trimmed and took about 12-13 hours.
I think the earliest I ever got up was 4AM, for last year's superbowl lamb. I like to allow around an hour for coming to temp and final meat prep and pounding coffee.

I've stayed up all night on several occasions. But that was when I was borrowing a friend's char broil side box smoker. That experience ended up convincing many of my friends that the bullet was the way to go
I will get up at 5AM to catch it or kill it, but not to cook it. If I wake up, I will however check my temps on an allnighter.
Up at 2:30 to put a brisket on. Although I technically never went to bed I just fell asleep on the couch for an hour.

Anywho, another guy on our team fired his up with a butt over brisket cook. We'll be meeting up over lunch to slice into the Q!

