White Noise - Sound Machine - Sleep Sound Device

I've been using this since 2006. I've taken it on some of my travels too.
Sounds like a fan that you can tweak the tone and speed a little. (It actually is just a fan in a case)

Yogasleep Dohm Classic (Tan) The Original White Noise Machine, Soothing Natural Sound from a Real Fan, Noise Cancelling for Office Privacy, Travel & Meditation, Sleep Therapy For Adults & Baby
I’m a terrible sleeper, have to get up at 4:15 on week days.

Would love to hear any sleep suggestions.
I am not a white noise guy though. I need it dark and quiet.
I’m a terrible sleeper, have to get up at 4:15 on week days.

Would love to hear any sleep suggestions.
I am not a white noise guy though. I need it dark and quiet.
I do use this sometimes.

I’m a terrible sleeper, have to get up at 4:15 on week days.

Would love to hear any sleep suggestions.
I am not a white noise guy though. I need it dark and quiet.
My wife slept with a very old and floppy pillow on her head for DECADES! True story! She also had horrible allergies (imagine that)
The pillow finally gave up the ghost, so she switched to a towel for several years. She said it wasn't the same
She's been wearing ear plugs for about 10 years now and she loves it!
This lets me have the fan app for noise and peace and quiet for her
We both like it dark, so no issues there
I used to get up 3.30 for the longest time. Soft ear plugs and a pillow or cap on my head.
We're empty nesters so just neighbors and trains for noise.
I was a aviation Tech for 46 years exposed to all types high and low pitch noises. I get free waterfalls, desk fans, etc in my ears all day and night.
But seriously I find you must relax your body and mind to get a good night sleep.
Sleep aides can help but natural aides work better.
Exercise, tread mill or chair yoga a hour before bed time relaxes your body and mind.
The only device you need is your smart phone. There's tons of sleep apps and noise programs you can get through your phone.

You can play around with different colors of background noise -- white, pink, green, brown. Some help you fall asleep better; others to stay asleep better. For falling asleep, I like the lower rumble tones of brown noise. Reminds me of falling asleep in the back of my parents car while driving home at night.

Even better for me, though, is listening to a book on tape or a podcast with the lights out. Basically like a parent reading a story to a kid. I find that background noise alone does not calm down my brain. It just blocks out ambient sounds (which is not my personal sleep issue). Having to pay a little bit of attention to track a narrative is just enough to interrupt whatever else I might have racing thoughts about. I know folks who have good success listening to a guided meditation and rhythmic breathing

I set the sleep timer on my phone podcast app at 15 minutes. Doesn't matter what I listen to, I rarely make it to the end. Really works great for me for getting back to sleep in the middle of the night.

I don't have any noise going while I am asleep. You can use headphones/pods to keep it quiet for your partner. There's also a bunch of different sleep oriented headphones you could try -- I have a combo head band and eye shade with blue tooth ear pods built in.

You might also want to gather some data on your sleeping by using a sleep tracker app. To see if you may have snoring or sleep apnea stuff degrading your sleep quality. In my case, I didn't have apnea but did have a horrendous snoring problem.

Using a phone sleep tracker app (called SnoreLab) I was able to significantly reduce my snoring. Which was very good for my sleep and my wife's. Lost some weight, trained my self to become a side sleeper (fyi left side is usually better than right side) vs back sleeper, changed my pillow to synch with side sleeping (higher and firmer), and used a mouthpiece for a while.

Of course you want it 100% pitch black always. Get a sleep mask if you don't already have one.

Last, and super duper important, you need to have your sleeping room COLD. Like 60F degrees COLD!!!!! Never any blankets for me -- just a top sheet. And a fan always going, even in mid winter. You'd be surprised how much cooler you will feel with a tiny desk type fan on the night stand pointed your way. Which doesn't bother your partner and provides some white noise. I know several people that are addicted to their ChillPad (pumps cool water through the mattress pad).

Good luck.
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