Which one??

Not to mention I paid $180 for mine new in the box. I would have never bought one at retail - and really wasn't looking for one. But at that price, basically 30 bucks more than a 22.5, how could I not....? :)
I hear ya, W. You'd think I was just a complete Weber nut going by how many I have, but no, it's just hard to pass up good deals. Just got my 26.75" OTG new and already assembled but never used for $150. Got my OTG for $50 off CL and my big bullet for $250 from a friend that had already done some choice mods. My Performer was like $150 new from HD last year, on clearance because they stopped carrying the one with gas assist. Come to think of it, the only Webers I have that were full price was my little wsm, a gift from my wife, and my little sj!
Wow, I did not realize there was so much more. Though I have little experience with the 22.5". Anyway I am happy with the extra space. A great grill. Can't go wrong either way.
It's larger (obvious), basically has the same ash removal system, but with stainless sweeper blades that tend to hold up better than the regular steel ones on the smaller grill. It does include a thermometer, lid holder, and stainless steel grate, none of which are on the 22.5 inch version.

Whether all this is worth the $149 premium over the 22.5" OTG is a personal call.

The whole unit uses heavier gauge metal also. You can feel the difference in the lid as far as metal thickness goes.
In the trading post they are talking about being able to buy a Platunim on line from Target for 199 free shipping. That is not bad for new in box item.

