Where's the heat? Help please..


Ron Snarski

TVWBB Member
I have my standing roast on the WSM using Kinsford original, almost a full trey of coals, water in the pan vents open 100% all it has after 1 hour is 265 degrees

What gives?
Most likely, its the water in the pan. Did you look at the recipes in the cooking topics section?

The water acts like a heat sink and absorbs all the heat energy. I don't use water in the pan unless I'm going low and slow.
I read about the sand trick, but didnt think it would be an issue with only an hour and half cook expected.. i think i doubled m cook time..oh well, more beers in the meantime.
Sand will also act as a heat sink. If you need the higher temps, just foil an empty water pan.

But it sounds like you're good to go, it just might take longer than expected.

I've got a Corona and lime I'm enjoying...:D
Jack is correct!! Your cook might take longer but it sounds like it will be a successful cook!!
The temp you getting is right what I would expect for the set up you described. I agree with Scott to just accept a little longer cook.

265 is ok. You are apt to get more evenly cooked meat than if cooked in the 300's. More will be medium rare rather than getting some in the center medium rare with brown around the edges.
The problem with that is the wife cant have any pink! I will end up cutting her serving and throwing it on the Genesis, to ya know..ruin it!..ugh
To me the lower temp will get you a better product. Rare/medium from the eges to the center. Wife would not aggre...Byt if you remove the middle section and grill her slices hot´n´fast i bet she will dig it. And like everyone else said skip the water for these higer temp cooks.
What I did when doing prime rib was this:

No water (no need to foil) in the pan (no sand either, just the empty bowl unfoiled)
Put a cake pan(or something similar) on the bottom shelf underneath the meat to catch those drippings (hence no foil needed)
Put meat on the top rack.

Temps will rise to 325 quite easily.

