When to separate point and flat


J Hasselberger

TVWBB All-Star
Doing our annual family Smokefest next weekend (about 20 people) and have a question about timing for my burnt ends. I've always followed the recommended procedure of smoking, foiling, and resting before I separate the point and flat. The problem is that the burnt ends aren't done until about 3 hours after the flat is ready to be served.

Has anyone separated the two as soon as the brisket is done and before it's rested? I was considering separating them as soon as I remove the finished brisket from the smoker -- returning the point to the smoker and resting the flat. That way, I'd have a chance of being able to serve them more or less simultaneously.
I seperate when the brisket is ready to come off the pit and rest. I seperate, then foil the flat and into the cooler it goes. I cube the point, place the chunks in a disposable pan, add some more rub and some sauce, and back into the pit it goes for up to 3 hours. This way, both the flat and the burnt ends are ready at the same time.
Last Saturday a friend and I decided to try separating during the cook. Took it off at the stall(155), brought it inside, separated, re seasoned the point and put both back on. Wrapped the flat in a metal pan with apple juice and beef broth. Put point on naked and added one more apple wood chunk. Cooked both for another 3 hours. The point turned out great but the flat was overdone. I checked the flat at 2.5 hrs in the foil and it wasn't probing like butter. Should've taken it out anyway but it was still good in the thicker middle area. The good news is that they can both be done closer to the same time if you do a better job than I did. I gotta watch that flat closer next time. Maybe 90 minutes in the foil and then start checking??
I usually separate the Point once I'm ready to foil. I find the flat is ready 60-90 minutes before the burnt ends are done but that depends on what temp I foil. Lately I'm liking 168-170. It seems to narrow the spread in time. I just hold the flat in a cooler.
I seperate after the cook but only use a portion for burnt ends. I like the point sliced on a sandwich too much!
Like everything else in life, the issue is timing. As I've read the replies, I'm getting an idea to make the burnt ends "second dessert." I'm serving in courses this year as an experiment -- Brisket first, then ribs, then pork shoulder, then dessert, with maybe 30 minutes between each course. I'll try to time the burnt ends for just after dessert and before all the guitars come out. Since you can't have burnt ends without another beer, it may kickstart part 2 of the party.

