TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
That's why I like you. Anyone who rides an XR/XL 650 is AOK in my book. My desert runner (albeit a 400)I don't have a fast car. I have a truck, a work van, and an enduro motorcycle

That's why I like you. Anyone who rides an XR/XL 650 is AOK in my book. My desert runner (albeit a 400)I don't have a fast car. I have a truck, a work van, and an enduro motorcycle
A disabling illness or disease doesn't care who it attacks, doesn't care how much money you have or what kind of car you drive.
My neighbor has a couple year old vette, and a new pick up, yet he has congestive heart failure and other health problems, where he can't walk or stand for long periods of time, like no more than like 10 minutes at a time, or the pain in his legs and back becomes out of control and breathing becomes difficult.
According to my neighbor, he always dreamed of owning a vette, so when he was diagnosed a few years ago, he went out and bought himself his dream car, I suppose to check off one more thing off his bucket list.
That's why I like you. Anyone who rides an XR/XL 650 is AOK in my book. My desert runner (albeit a 400)
I would think that the doctor who fills out the form for the handicap parking permit would know if the handicap would prohibit someone from being able to drive safely. I just don't think the handicap parking permit indicates anything as far as how well you can drive, no matter what you are driving. The parking permit indicates how well you can move outside of the car, getting from the car to wherever you are going and then back to the car again. The handicap stalls don't indicate that you can't drive well, they indicate you need to be closer to the building to reduce the effort required to shop or whatever the situation is that you are parking there for.