What's cookin' this weekend?


Steve G.

TVWBB Member
I picked up two brisket packers at HEB today for $0.99/lb. They are the biggest I have purchased yet: each over 15 lbs...just massive hunks of meat. I have the WSM loaded with coal and it is just waiting the lighting and one of those big bad boys to put on at about 10pm. From my experience, that should have it finished around 2 or 3pm tomorrow and ready for a good 3 hr to 4 hr rest before eating for dinner.
I am cookin some ribs for a few friends this weekend. 5 slabs Sat and 2 Sun. I am planning on experimenting on the smoke this weekend. I am going to use Jack daniels pellets and apple wood on saturday and use Apple and grape on Sunday. I will have a slab on both days to have my own taste trial.

I looked for a brisket a sams while I was there. I was going to make my own corned beef. I have been wanting to try it out. They were out though.

I bought a 13 pound brisket about a month ago and the girl at the register laughed and said what do you do with something that big. I said you smoke it.
Then she asked how many will be eating it. I told her there will be 3. Me, Myself , and I.
It was pretty funny.

Brisket sounds good. Maybe next weekend. My buddie called me around noon. He was picking up a tritip and wanted to know if he should get 2. If things would have happened earlier I would have pulled the trigger. No beef for me this weekend. Unless...........
Enjoy the brisket.
I'm going to be smoking a 14 lbs brisket this weekend. I figured I'd better smoke a meatloaf as well, since everyone has been talking about it lately.

It's been a while since I've done a brisket, so I'm pretty stoked.
chipotles tonight to tomorrow.

7-pound butt tomorrow evening (apple wood, thank you kruger) with a corned beef going on Sunday morning, for my pastrami sandwiches over the next week.


Jared, with conference this weekend... perfect weekend for BBQ, eh??
Tri-tip. Not really a smoke, but good eatin'. I was planning on having sandwiches for the UofM/MSU game. I also bought some Sam Adam's Octoberfest beer to wash everything down.

I might also do a butt. I don't have any pulled pork in the freezer and it's suppose to be a really nice weekend.
Yeah, we finally are getting half-way normal weather here...down to highs in the low 90's rather than 105*. So I am looking foward to a nice morning of watching beef cook.

I actually had to trim the brisket to make it fit the WSM!!! I cut about a pound off of the point end and the edges were still being squeezed in by the lid.

It is now 11:30, my temps are stable at 225* and I am off to bed.
I will be smoking some habaneros.
I first tried this last fall with excellent results; sweet, smokey and oh my... HOT
Wonderful stuff!

Iam cooking nothing, I got a mandatory inventory to do saturday. Can you beleive them, opening day of Bow season, Michigan & Michigan State game, plus our local hunters roundup. So today only I will be smokeing and making there life miserable for a change. For those who can have a great day and happy smoking for its time for me to go to work and get my mad game face on. lol
30 lbs of butts been on since 8:30 last night. temp was stable @ 230* when I just checked this morning at 5am. Still impressed with the bullets temp control. Amazing. Cooking this pile of meat for my nephews 1st B-day party.
Well at 6:00am, it seems I have a leaky vent. I have been suspicious of one of them for a while now. The lid temp was 270* with one (the suspected leaky vent) closed fully and the other two closed 75%. I put a grate thermometer in and it is saying the grate is 235*, but the brisket registers at 170* already. I am concerned it will be done WAY too soon.

So my question is: if it gets to 200* by 10am and I am not planning on eating it until 6pm, how should I hold it? I normally put them in a dry cooler for several hours but not 8 hrs.

Suggestions welcomed.
Over 16# brisket? Unless you foil, I would think it will be done later then 10. If you are worried about it, shut them vents even further. That seems like a huge difference between grate/lid temps. Even at 230 at the grate, I think you are safe to get done past 10, but if your worried, drop it to 220 for an hour or 2.
I have had extreme temp differences between the lid and the grate for several cooks. I think the lid themometer needs to be replaced.

The meat temp is still at 170* at 7am. I closed the vents to almost fully closed at 6am. IF (big if) the meat reaches close to 200* can I rest it in a cooler for a few hours then refrigerate it until I am ready to reheat it in the oven? What other options are there for safely storing this meat until 6pm. How long can the meat rest in the cooler safely without dropping below safe temps?
Relax. I don't think it will be done as quick as you might be thinking. When a see it get that high, I feel like it's gonna be done any minute. HOURS later I start wondering if it will be done in time.

According to your post, the meat didn't move in temp for over an hour. It will take awhile to get to 190º-200º.
Tonight mustard and herb encrusted boneless pork loin, indirect heat.
Tomorrow, 8 lb. brisket, rubs is already on. Can't wait.
Beer brats last night and marinated venison tenderloin kabobs tonite. Thanks to Kevin for suggesting the same cook time items on a kabob. Maybe not quite as pretty before the cook, but the final product is a lot better and much more predictable.

Originally posted by Steve G.:
I have had extreme temp differences between the lid and the grate for several cooks. I think the lid themometer needs to be replaced.

The meat temp is still at 170* at 7am. I closed the vents to almost fully closed at 6am. IF (big if) the meat reaches close to 200* can I rest it in a cooler for a few hours then refrigerate it until I am ready to reheat it in the oven? What other options are there for safely storing this meat until 6pm. How long can the meat rest in the cooler safely without dropping below safe temps?

I hold Picnics for up to 5 hours, but I'm not sure how long you can hold that Packer. I don't think you'll see it done before 2 myself if you atay around 230*. It may hit another stick point in the 180's yet. You have plenty of time left. Remember, cook til done (fork tender), not to a specific temp.
Going to the freezer for leftover Brisket
for a pan of Baked Beans with Brisket
3.5 hours in R2D2 and they are great
cherry wood
Well, sure enough it held (slowly crept) up to 187* until 2pm when I pulled it. The last couple that I have cooked have not held these temps for nearly this long...must be the size???

It is taking a nice warm nap in the cooler until 5pm or so.

Thanks guys for the confidence boost to let it keep going.

