What's cookin' this weekend?

Originally posted by adam clyde:
Jared, with conference this weekend... perfect weekend for BBQ, eh??

Yes it is, plus the weather has been great lately. I'll be smoking on Sunday, and it should be done after the afternoon session. I'm making sauce today, and haven't smoked for a few weeks, so needless to say it's long over due.
Originally posted by Steve G.:
Well, sure enough it held (slowly crept) up to 187* until 2pm when I pulled it. The last couple that I have cooked have not held these temps for nearly this long...must be the size???

It is taking a nice warm nap in the cooler until 5pm or so.

Thanks guys for the confidence boost to let it keep going.

Let us know how the taste/texture was.
It was the best brisket I have had yet. The last few I have done were a lot smaller and did not turn out quite as moist as this one. I have pretty consistent tenderness to all my briskets, but the moistness varies from one to the next. This was top notch.
It is 12.15 AM and I am doing my first overnight cook. Cooking up a pork butt. I have my brinkman pan and my nu-temp so I think I will sleep well. Have to get up early anyway as my son starts hockey.
I'm cooking a pork butt, using an injectable marinade for the first time. A bit of an experiment, and I know there are mixed reviews on injecting butts at all. But its worth a try this weekend.
Originally posted by Mike Felt:
I'm cooking a pork butt, using an injectable marinade for the first time. A bit of an experiment, and I know there are mixed reviews on injecting butts at all. But its worth a try this weekend.
i cooked two butts last weekend using the big bob gibson recipe from "peace, love, and barbecue" and they came out great. i think injecting butts is good thing.
Doing (2) 7lb. Butts, My first. Using the "Renowed Mr. Brown" recipe. I'm thinking that they should go on about 4:00 am Sat. to have for dinner Sat. evening around 7:00pm. Planning to let them rest for about 2 hrs.
Does this time line sound correct?
Mike, I'm doing the same thing this weekend. I'm going to inject with either Chris Lilly's shoulder marinade or a store bought one. Let me know how yours turns out
Originally posted by Mike Felt:
I'm cooking a pork butt, using an injectable marinade for the first time. A bit of an experiment, and I know there are mixed reviews on injecting butts at all. But its worth a try this weekend.
Originally posted by Bruce McEnroe:
Doing (2) 7lb. Butts, My first. Using the "Renowed Mr. Brown" recipe. I'm thinking that they should go on about 4:00 am Sat. to have for dinner Sat. evening around 7:00pm. Planning to let them rest for about 2 hrs.
Does this time line sound correct?

Sounds like it will be close to me. My first pork butts on the WSM were around 7 pounds and they took 18 hours to get to 195*. I did some a couple of weeks later and they only took about 15-16. I cook at around 250* dome, 235* grate.

Better to have them finish early than late. I say start them at midnight and do an overnighter.

The second time I cooked for about 40 people and I was worried about holding them for too long with food safety and everything, but they sat foiled in a cooler for almost 4 hours and the temp was still reading 155* when I got ready to pull and serve.
I've got a nice 15+ lb packer and two racks of spares going in the pit for dinner on Saturday. Using TexasBBQRub #1 for the ribs and #2 for the packer. My mouth's watering already!!!
Thanks Dave, maybe I will put them on a hour or so earlier than I figured. Sounds like the hold time could be extended longer if need be.
Did my first batch of ABT's, using some pulled pork I had FoodSaver'd in the freezer and Apple pellets. I was at my sisters house so I used a Green Egg and a guru.

Regarding the ABT's, I know everyone says they are great and guest love 'em, but my report is:

They are great and the guests love 'em. Even folks that aren't crazy about hot food really liked em.

The heat was definitely present, but it's such a natural part of the food that it's GOOD heat. If you haven't made a batch of ABT's yet, it's worth it!
Got 5 racks of beef ribs, the store dosn't have them in stock so I ordered them last week.

First time trying beef ribs. I hope they're good.
Originally posted by A.Miller:
Got 5 racks of beef ribs, the store dosn't have them in stock so I ordered them last week.

First time trying beef ribs. I hope they're good.
cool. i haven't had much luck cooking beef ribs and haven't cooked them in a while. let us know how they come out.
I'm gonna wrap some big scallops with proscuitto and pop 'em on the gasser for dinner tonight.


