What you cooking for the Fourth of July Weekend?

In laws are having their annual 4th of July party this weekend. I'm smoking a pork butt. My father in law is handling the chicken and hot dogs and some ribs and everybody brings sides and deserts. Should be 50 people-ish. I'll build the fire tonight around 10, let the temp get steady, put the butt on and get up around 1 or 2 to check on it and wrap it, then get back up around 5 or 6 and take it off, put it in the cooler and go swim for the morning before pulling it around lunch time.
In laws are having their annual 4th of July party this weekend. I'm smoking a pork butt. My father in law is handling the chicken and hot dogs and some ribs and everybody brings sides and deserts. Should be 50 people-ish. I'll build the fire tonight around 10, let the temp get steady, put the butt on and get up around 1 or 2 to check on it and wrap it, then get back up around 5 or 6 and take it off, put it in the cooler and go swim for the morning before pulling it around lunch time.
and then be too darn tired to enjoy the party?

