What to Smoke w/ Brisket?


Jon W

TVWBB Member
I am making a brisket for Easter, since my in-laws aren't going to be able to cook. This will be my 3rd smoke.

I was going to do an overnight brisket, but would like to throw something else on.

I know pork butts, but I did those for Super Bowl and still have some in the freezer.

I was thinking chicken, but those seem to need high heat, and not the ~250 I will be running at.

I was thinking about adding rigs at the end, or a boneless turkey breast. Or maybe trying to find a country ham.

Any additional meat that I can throw on (around the same temps) would be appreciated.
When I cook a brisket I can usually cook four chickens at the same time. Meaning two at a time at about 3 to 3.5 hours a set. Since you are going to cook overnight I don't think chicken would be the way to go unless you stay up. How about a chuck roast? There are several good threads about them and they can stand up to an overnight cooking session.
Chickens would be fine just make sure you put them on the bottom so the juices dont drip on your almost finished brisket.
Chickens will take about 3hours at that temp. I dont eat the skin so a long smoke on the WSM is okay with me.
My wife wanted chickens, but I thought the were relegated to high heat.

I think the plan will be to start the brisket, and add a couple of chix on the bottom rack in the morning.

I was looking for other options as well. I was considering fatties, but that may be a snack. I didn't realize you stuffed them!
Since you are smoking for Easter, you need to
have some Easter Eggs. Take some hard boiled
eggs, and smoke em out of the shell. Then
slice them in two and prepare them like deviled
eggs. These are very good.
If you don't mind serving 2 red meats I have had good luck smoking lamb. You can smoke it till it reaches about 135-140 internal temp and then use a 500 degree oven or the grill to brown the outside. It takes about 3-4 hours total for a whole leg.
Instead of chickens, try some cornish hens, those are always an eye catcher. Can always inject one or two w/ a different flavors as well to have a little variety.
hi Jon,

Chickens do not need the high heat if you don't care about a rubbery skin (healthier without skin anyway). Since they will cook longer at the lower temp, you'll get a smokier flavor as well...ENJOY THE BRISKET
Thanks for all the help.

I am thinking of the brisket, then with about 4 hours left, adding the chix on the bottom rack.

I may do one in the beer butt style, and another butterflied to compare. If I do low heat, can I then crisp the skin on the grill (gas for simplicity), or is it a lot cause at this point?

The eggs sound interesting too, maybe I can fit a few around the brisket to test out.

Edit: Will a 14" clay pot throw off the chicken cook (bottom rack), as in make it longer or shorter?
I was in the freezer tonight and noticed I have 5+ pound flats cryopacked from Sams. Are those typically heavily trimmed, i.e. shou I plan on covering with bacon?

So a 5 pound flat will take 5-7.5 hours,so I won't need an all night cook. we will eat around 1.

I was thinking of starting around 6am, since i don't think a small slab will run long.

Then around 8, add the chickens to the bottom rack. I got a couple Tyson whole fryers, about 5 pounds each.

Does this sound like a sound plan, or should I start an hour earlier.
Originally posted by Jon W:
I was in the freezer tonight and noticed I have 5+ pound flats cryopacked from Sams. Are those typically heavily trimmed, i.e. shou I plan on covering with bacon?

So a 5 pound flat will take 5-7.5 hours,so I won't need an all night cook. we will eat around 1.

I was thinking of starting around 6am, since i don't think a small slab will run long.

Then around 8, add the chickens to the bottom rack. I got a couple Tyson whole fryers, about 5 pounds each.

Does this sound like a sound plan, or should I start an hour earlier.
Well Jon, since you have a trimmed flat just do a high heat brisket cook. Skip the bacon, It'll do nothing for the brisket. Plus doing the brisket high heat you'll have crispy chicken skin.
Link to high heat brisket
That makes sense, I didn't even think of that. So now I am looking around 4 hours for the brisket, and probably 2 for the chicken right?

For high heat, do I keep in the clay saucer, or just empty pan?
Originally posted by Jon W:
That makes sense, I didn't even think of that. So now I am looking around 4 hours for the brisket, and probably 2 for the chicken right?

For high heat, do I keep in the clay saucer, or just empty pan?
Yes about 1.5 - 2 hrs for the chicken if left whole. You can use either one but I myself would use the foil lined empty water pan for a high heat cook. The WSM will come up to temp faster and run hotter with the empty pan. Save the clay for low and slow. JMO
One last question...

I will want the beef to rest about an hour. What about the chickens?

We will be eating at my inlaws, about 10 mins. away.

Now I am thinking of starting the brisket around 8 am pulling around Noon and resing an hour or so.

Should I add the chix (one beer bottom, one flat) around 10:30 or 11?

I have not read anything about resting chickens.

Thanks again.

