What to do?


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
This bird is walking around my yard. Been 2 days now. I don't want to put in a cage. I nudged him and looks like it can't fly. Any advice?

It's only about 1.5 weeks if that since it's hatched I bet, It should be able to fly soon. Leave it alone as much as you can.
It's only about 1.5 weeks if that since it's hatched I bet, It should be able to fly soon. Leave it alone as much as you can.

Thanks Clint.

my daughter told me yesterday's she saw it and she thinks it fell out a nest. We saw the nest but too high to see what's going on.
Thanks Clint.

my daughter told me yesterday's she saw it and she thinks it fell out a nest. We saw the nest but too high to see what's going on.

...actually I think it might be 10 days since the egg was laid- they mature quickly.....

Maybe Bob Correll has some wisdom - some robins had a nest mostly built when I got home sometime around 2012, I let them have it (not in a great spot for me). It was definitely interesting!

I guess it's happened here with me twice - I just found the 2nd "album".

Near day 1 of hatching I think:

My notes say "6 days later"

This one fell into a window well - I just lifted it out onto the ground.... it turned out OK I think.

This bird is walking around my yard. Been 2 days now. I don't want to put in a cage. I nudged him and looks like it can't fly. Any advice?
If it's been two days, it's parents are feeding it. Hopefully it'll soon fly because the ground is no place for a bird. Not much you can do, you have to let nature take it's course.
Checked outside and his on the grass. There was another bird on the ledge with what looked like a worm or something. Maybe it was momma trying to feed it.
I'm sure they are feeding it. A baby bird would stave in one day if it didn't eat. You just have to hope that no cats find out about him, he is kind of a sitting duck so to speak

