What to do with a Flat Iron Steak


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Good day to all. I just picked up a 1 3/4 pound flat iron steak on sale for under $4.00, just couldn't pass it up. I've never grilled one before and really don't know anything about them, so I thought I would come to the experts for some advice as how to prepare it.
Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.
I season it and then just grill them like any other steak to a nice medium. Cut, eat, and repeat. Don't consider myself an expert in any way shape or form but that is what I do.
One of my favorites, salt & pepper, direct heat to a medium rare, or medium if you must. Slice against the small side or end, thin. Can't beat them for the price.
Hey guys thanks for the suggestions, seeing it was the first time with a flat iron I decided to just go the salt and pepper route and medium rare. I wanted to see what it tasted like without much seasoning. Verdict, it was great really enjoyed it nice flavor and texture. I will be doing more of them.
Even though there are no pictures it really did happen:wsm: Reason no pictures we're moving to a new home and the camera got packed by accident and I have no clue which box it got dropped into.
Hey guys thanks for the suggestions, seeing it was the first time with a flat iron I decided to just go the salt and pepper route and medium rare. I wanted to see what it tasted like without much seasoning. Verdict, it was great really enjoyed it nice flavor and texture. I will be doing more of them.
Even though there are no pictures it really did happen:wsm: Reason no pictures we're moving to a new home and the camera got packed by accident and I have no clue which box it got dropped into.

You owe us then....lol
Glad to hear it worked out. :)
You owe us then....lol
Glad to hear it worked out. :)

Tony, you’re right I owe all you guys a whole bunch and not just pictures for all the knowledge and guidance you guys have given me in the last couple of months I've been a forum member. My skill levels have increased 1000% since I joined and I'm having a great time trying new ideas and techniques.
With us moving things are kinda on hold for awhile and that really bums me out because my passion and I don't know why is I saw a post by Jim Lampe on chuck eyes a month or so ago and I really wanted to try those and none of the stores had any after looking for over a month I gave up. Well we were at the store yesterday and I always check the "dog food section" of the meat dept for the close out items and to my total surprise here were two packages of chuck eyes. Well there resting in the freezer waiting a new home dinner when we get settled in to our new home.
But at least when I cook those I'll have my camera back.:)

