What size Foodsaver roll is most useful?


Ed G

New member
Hello all! I'm a relatively new WSM owner (3 months) and have had a blast learning (and eating) the fine art of BBQ with ribs, butts and brisket. I plan to get a Foodsaver system soon and have a question of which size roll (8" or 11") is most useful. I freeze mostly pulled pork into 1 lb. servings with the occasional 1/2 rack of ribs. I'm thinking of getting one roll of each size (50' rolls on eBay) but wanted see if you Foodsaver gurus generally use one roll size over another.
Thanks for the advise!
One of both provides the most flexibility. I use the smaller bags the most. I usually wait ?till I get a 20% off coupon from BBB. I have yet to find a good deal online.
You can get by with just the small ones if money is an object, otherwise, get one of each. I really only use the small ones.
Good planning on that Foodsaver purchase! Next to or perhaps due to my WSM, I freeze a whole lot of bbq for later consumption. The FS is essential.

Go to Costco/Sam's and get BOTH sizes of bags. Trust me, they'll both be put to good use.
I use the narrower bag material for 1 lb packages of pork and for slabs of ribs. I use the larger size for packing whole butts, briskets, and multiple slabs.

Keri C
Most of my use is for steaks when i buy in volume such as a loin rost or ribeye and slice them or pulled pork. I use the 11 " size much more often. For ribs, i don't vac seal because of the puncture problem. I wrap tightly in HD foil - 1/2 racks, and store in zip locks.

I do use the 8 " size for odd things but most often for volume purchases of split breasts so I can defroist one or two at a time.


