Joan, very timely bump! As I said just above, good BBQ chicken or smoked chicken with great BBQ sauce is one of the pleasures of this earth. I’ve gotten away from chicken since we moved. One reason is the great rotisserie chicken from Costco-- too easy to enjoy as is. But thanks to your bump, I'm gone back to start reading this entire relatively short thread. In the first page, I'm already hot for chicken and have saved the article on Jamaican jerk chicken (I'm sure I'll save more) which has me hungering for the jerk chicken we had our first night on St. John after the power failed on the whole island. Walking downtown in the flame lit darkness trying to find dinner, it was small barrel grills all around serving up their own take on jerk chicken. One of my most precious memories.
So thank you for that and for the chicken of my own that I'll be getting into. Damn woman! You have my grill/BBQ todos extended out so far!