What do you do with ash?

Getting ready to grill today and I was cleaning out the inside of the charcoal grill- some sticky residue on the insides of the kettle.

At the same time, the ash bucket was getting full and I was dumping the sticky residue in the ash.

It occurred to me that the ash might be a good cleaner for the inside of the kettle.

Anyone ever use the coal ash as a cleaner?
Back in the day ash made lye which made a soap nd they used animal fat to shape it.
Back in the day ash made lye which made a soap nd they used animal fat to shape it.
The ash itself is abrasive, and it sticks to the grease inside the kettle.

Since the ash is going into the trash anyway, I think I will give it a go next time.
I use fireplace ash and water to clean the glass doors in the fireplace, wet a wad of newspaper da it in the ash, scrubfinishwil dry newspaper or Windex and paper towels.
Typically, I either dump them in the yard (as it's really big) or I use them on plants. I need to replant soon though since a deep freeze killed all of the herbs and peppers that we were growing a few years ago lol.

