What do you do for a living? *****

Guess I should weigh in.

I'm a electrical design engineer. I design the 'black boxes' that are on aircraft. I specialize in radio navigation and landing systems. If it flies then it probably has one of my boxes in it.

Senior examiner and generally "do whatever else we need done guy" for a large national real estate title insurance agent. We do work in 40+ states and I get to be the guy that tries to keep all of the underwriting guidelines straight and help everyone else with questions and problems and whatnot. NOT a fun business to be in I can assure you but i am employed (for now)!!
I have been in the telecommunications industry since 1984. Started out installing telephone answering service systems throughout North and South America. Did a brief stint testing and servicing theater lighting systems. I worked as a PBX/Voice Mail installation/service tech. Then spent about ten years working as a Central Office tech for two different telephone companies in Madison. I am now a Sales Engineer with one of those companies. Great hours, no 'on-call' duties, and I can work from home. But I sure do miss working in a Central Office.
I'm an Enterprise Systems Engineer for one of the biggest computer companies in the world. My area of responsibilities include servers, network switches and storage systems, as well as related software. I focus on large database/email configurations and High Performance Computing clusters, mostly with large universities and government agencies. 

Prior to this role, which I took on in June, I focused on storage systems and covered all of Canada.  Basically I spent allot of time on airplanes and in hotels. I'm much happier now that I only have to fly a few times a month. Over the 3 years I did this role I designed systems which hold a cumulative total of over 10 petabytes of data. If you don't know how much that is, it's basically double the archive of everything on the Internet!

I also do a bit of freelance photography, but only to make money to offset the cost of new toys and keep my wife from complaining about the amount of money I spend on cameras and BBQ stuff!!
I am a builder, we specialize in bathroom remodeling. We still do kitchens, additions, basements and such. We started out building custom homes but decided to find a niche in 1998.
I was an Automechanic for 32 years until arthritus and an elbow replacement side lined me. Now I'm a service writer for the company I worked for as a mechanic. It was either that or become a teacher. No offense to teachers, I just don't think I have the patience for it.
Scott,I hear you! My dad was a professor for 40+ years,and my wife,sweet Pammi Sue,has been a teacher for 25. I hear the stories they tell! No freaking way could I put up with the stuff they do. From both the kids AND the parents of the little "angels!".
I work in desktop support for a major university hospital in Nashville. If I knew what I wanted to do when I grow up while I was still in college years ago, I would have taken a different career path and probably gotten a certification or two to be further in my IT career than I am. I have had far too many jobs over the years, but I have been in desktop support for over 10 years and I have some great opportunities where I am now.

It isn't glamorous, but it pays the bills & enables my grilling and smoking <STRIKE>addiction</STRIKE> hobby. This week I am covering third shift for a coworker's vacation, so I think I will be spending some quality late night time here on the forum.
I'm in commercial real estate development her in KC. We build & renovate shopping centers and I try to lease them up eith all sorts of retailers. The last couple of years have been tou but it's getting better!
I work for a large gov't contractor inspecting body armor for our troops overseas, but I dream of someday opening my own beer and barbecue joint. Someday...
I work in Vancouver's film industry as a First Aid/Craft Service member. First aid is explanatory, while craft service is the all day food guys. It's how I honed my BBQ'ing skills. I'll be working on Speilberg's sci-fi show Falling Skies which apparently no one really knows about in North America but is a huge enough hit in Europe for a 2nd season to be ordered.
Well right now im a student i am stydying computer networking and security. Got to be a student when the plant i was working in as a mechanic got closed down and shipped to China. Oh well what ya gonna do
Rich, there are many posts here that I've read that I really love, but your enthusiasm and dedication comes through very strongly. Simple and direct. I wish my grandsons were in your district.


