Last week's wet snow left me with a driver's side windshield wiper that would sweep water away, but otherwise I could move the arm by hand at will with only minimal resistance. I figured I was going to have to pull both arms off and get into the mechanism under the cowl. Nope. The base of the arm is aluminum, and it's mounted on a splined steel stud, held in place with a nut. Much to my surprise, with the frozen wet sludge on the windshield, all that's happened is that the splines in the aluminum have been lathed out, the steel stud and its splines are fine. All I need to replace is the arm, amazingly enough. It's still going to cost me the better part of a C-note, doubled if I decide to replace the passenger side arm as well (as a pre-emptive strike.) Not about to complain about this, I can fix this outside in the chill.