TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Just a quick update on the first grill of the season. I have it all tore down and most of it cleaned up. I just need to throw a couple coats on the frame, end caps and fire box. But, with the temps struggling to hit 50, it might be a while. I still have to take the angle grinder and wire cup brush to the burners, but that wont be a big deal. That should be all the grinding I have to do. I have mad the final decision to not grind out the inside of the fire box or end caps. Then, I have a set of 16ga SS flavorizer bars. I have to decide between the Quilitmetal and Uniflasy for the grates or I could clean up a set of SS stamped steel used grates. What would you guys do with the grates?
Oh, on a side note, I replaced the fuel shut off solenoid on my riding mower and that solved the hard starting problem. Yahhhhhh!!! Now I am ready for the snow to be gone and the grass and trees to start greening up.
And yah, it didn't take long for the first injury of the season to occur. I cut my left index finger on the first knuckle pretty good with the razor blade when cleaning the inside of the lid. Sure to be one of many over the next 5 or 6 months. The worst part is trying to hide it from the wife.
Oh, on a side note, I replaced the fuel shut off solenoid on my riding mower and that solved the hard starting problem. Yahhhhhh!!! Now I am ready for the snow to be gone and the grass and trees to start greening up.
And yah, it didn't take long for the first injury of the season to occur. I cut my left index finger on the first knuckle pretty good with the razor blade when cleaning the inside of the lid. Sure to be one of many over the next 5 or 6 months. The worst part is trying to hide it from the wife.
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