Well had a pellet issue today



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Went to fill the hopper on the Member's Mark with Sam's Club pellets. They've been in the garage and not gotten wet to best of my knowledge. But ended up throwing half a bag away. Bottom of the bag appeared to have gotten wet and they were a moldy brick on the bottom half. Don't know if bag was damaged or what
On the concrete. Have not had an issue before. IDK if it was that or the bag was damaged. I didn't bother to look. I have no way to store on shelves.
Went to fill the hopper on the Member's Mark with Sam's Club pellets. They've been in the garage and not gotten wet to best of my knowledge. But ended up throwing half a bag away. Bottom of the bag appeared to have gotten wet and they were a moldy brick on the bottom half. Don't know if bag was damaged or what
I think that experience is one that weighs a little against overstocking on pellets. I keep some of mine in sealed 5-gallon buckets, but like you I also have some in the original bags on the floor. I am trying hard to resist sales and not previously tried brands for fear of exactly what happened to you. Much worse, of course, would be a messed-up grill auger. I know I have too many on hand and need to get busier USING them!!!
Again though, I did not pay attention to whether or not the bag may have been damaged as I have been using these things from out of the garage for over a year with no issue. So, maybe it was just something I missed. I mean the bags are sealed up
Yeah, no room in my sinkin little garage. Just ask Jon & Bruce. They've seen it. Between a small bench, roll away tool chest, and when I can get both the Highlander and Rav4 in it's pretty much wall to wall.
This builder should have been strung up
I bought a couple 40lb bags of Pit Boss pellets on sale today at Lowes. One had a small hole in it that I didn't notice until I'd gotten home with it. The food safe 5gal buckets are a few bucks at Lowes and a lid is another couple. I think I'm going to grab a couple and store pellets in those. Can always label what's in them on some blue painter's tape. That should keep them dry.
Anyone notice how many pounds those 5 gal buckets hold? If they hold a whole bag I am in Much easier to store than the bags
I use 5 gallon buckets. I know 20 lbs fits no problem. I think 25 lbs would be max.

I live so close to places that sell pellets that I'm only going to keep about 3 pails of pellets on hand. I've got enough crap in my shed without bags of pellets taking up space. I rarely use more than 20 lbs of pellets a week anyway.
Went to fill the hopper on the Member's Mark with Sam's Club pellets. They've been in the garage and not gotten wet to best of my knowledge. But ended up throwing half a bag away. Bottom of the bag appeared to have gotten wet and they were a moldy brick on the bottom half. Don't know if bag was damaged or what
You might have bought it like that and not known. Another reason for me to open the bags and store in sealed containers.
I do not own a pellet grill, but I do have a pellet stove, so we buy and store 4-5 tons per winter. I always store them in the basement and on a pallet, almost two tons on each pallet. I sometimes see moisture damage on bags as I stack them in the basement, but almost never is a bag damaged during its time in the basement. The big box stores tend to count on the outer pallet plastic wrap to keep the pellets dry, so they store them basically anywhere, as in outdoors. That's usually fine, but once the pallet is opened the pellets should come inside.

Bottom line is it would be better to store them on boards or a pallet but I doubt that putting a few bags on concrete caused moisture to wick through the plastic. It sounds like a store issue; it usually is.
Too bad only 20# would fit in a pail. I have the pellet containers (only 2 of them). I find them a little awkward for me to handle easily when full. The pails would be easier
Just poured a 40lb bag into a 5gal bucket. I estimate there were about 10lbs left. If you have a half empty hopper on your grill, plus a bucket, you should be able to empty the entire bag.
Just poured a 40lb bag into a 5gal bucket. I estimate there were about 10lbs left. If you have a half empty hopper on your grill, plus a bucket, you should be able to empty the entire bag.
Good to know. Maybe I'll get a few of those at Menards when my rebates come through. Would certainly be a lot easier to store and stack in garage
Well, I got a bunch of Menards green buckets and lids. So I have 7 of them lined up in garage. Also 2 of those actual pellet containers loaded. Still have 4 unopened bags in the garage. I do think the buckets helped me avert another "issue". I found slight pinholes in the bags I emptied when I noticed some pellet dust falling out. So odds are moisture from the floor may have found it's way into those bags as well. Potentially I may have lost 2 or more bags.
So odds are moisture from the floor may have found it's way into those bags as well. Potentially I may have lost 2 or more bags.
When it's really hot and humid I can literally see the moisture leeching out of the concrete in my garage. I would be willing to bet that's exactly what happened to your pellets.

