Weber Spirit Classic vs Original

Congrats on your choice I think you will be much happier with the E310. As far as covers go the Weber covers are not very good. The quality has degraded over the years. I only use them on my two gassers that are under the covered patio out of the sun and elements and my performer which does sit out, but because of the shape I can't find anything else that fits it. I get one year out of the performer cover and 2-3 years on the gassers. There are many better covers out there and I know some of the forum members will chime in with some good suggestions. Not having any experience with the other covers I can't say which is better.
As far as cleaning the grills I use a brass brush and clean the grill while it's still hot right after removing the food and on my 1997 Genesis 1000LX the CI grills are still like new.
He's in England not sure if too much sun is an issue ;-)

Ey ;)

It's 24 degrees C here at the moment!

So, anyone suggest a decent cover available in the UK?

Also, possibly a silly question, but does the brass not scratch the porcelain enamel?
And possibly a sillier question, do you wash the brush afterwards?!
Brass is pretty soft and after 18 years the grill grate is still perfect. Wash it! Why would you want to go and do that? For the most part the grill is very hot and nothing seems to stick to the brush, so if anything was living on it would be burned to a crisp when the brush hits the hot grill.
One further question - are the weber tools decent? Worth buying over others?
I quite fancy a set in a case, but weber don't seem to do a case... has anyone got any experience with other sets that do come with a case?

EDIT: Scrap that - have ordered the tools anyway...

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Brass is pretty soft and after 18 years the grill grate is still perfect. Wash it! Why would you want to go and do that? For the most part the grill is very hot and nothing seems to stick to the brush, so if anything was living on it would be burned to a crisp when the brush hits the hot grill.

Seems Weber only do Stainless Steel ones now, so have ordered one of those... guess it'll be just as good...
Looks great!! I seasoned them before I cooked.

Thanks - I read the manual and online faq last night and they said the same thing too.

I must say tho, the grates seem 100% cat iron, where as the description on the product page says porcelain enameled cast iron... It must be an incredibly thin layer of porcelain if that's the case!
I don't think it's a surface layer. The porcelain is somehow impregnated right in to the metal. They do work great (no pun intended) though. I got a set for my dad's Genesis 2000 and they were really nice, though he now has a set of 9mm SS rod grates as a donation I made to him. (long story how that came about). I really don't see any effective difference between heavy SS rod grates and the cast iron in performance, just a more care free experience with SS.
It arrived!

Do i need to season the grates before using, or will the season naturally?
Congrats on the new Spirit! The black shelves are pretty sharp (we only have SS shelves available in the US).
Just wanted to point out - since I've seen a lot of complaints online about it - that you've got all three burners on Low in that picture. The 9 o'clock position is High. Some folks find the control panel marks to be not very clear. Enjoy the new grill!
Congrats on the new Spirit! The black shelves are pretty sharp (we only have SS shelves available in the US).
Just wanted to point out - since I've seen a lot of complaints online about it - that you've got all three burners on Low in that picture. The 9 o'clock position is High. Some folks find the control panel marks to be not very clear. Enjoy the new grill!

Thanks for pointing that out! Tbh, I hadn't looked very closely at that point (am just about to run a leak check now), but I was assuming that was the max position!!
So, fired her up for the first time last night and had dome lovely sausages...

Afterwards, heated her up for 15mins and then took my brush to the grill. Even after brushing a reasonable amount, I still have charred bits of... fat (I presume?...) stuck to the grate. Is this an issue or just par for the course?
I brushed pretty hard, but tried nnot to be excessive for fear of scratching the grate (if that is even possible!)

Do I need to have a good go at those bits next time I turn her on to get rid entirely? Or just leave and get on with cooking!
If you cook delicate things like fish they will be a source of annoyance for you. A good brushing and wipe with a towel soaked with oil (Canola works great) prior to putting on fish or such is a good way to do it.
I did wipe with oil after brushing actually...

It will take some seriously hard brushing to get it off... do I need to worry about that? Or just go for it?

