Weber pizza top for the 22.5" charcoal grills

Another Nice Weber toy, why they don't sell all the colored kettles and accessories here in the USA I have no idea. After all Weber is an American company and still made here as far as I know.
That top is sweet, I have never seen one like that, I was thinking I would see the metal insert that is on the web (the one that fits between lid and bowl)

That piece you have is now on my quest list!
Hi Geir,

Pizza looks great! I have the pizza stone that locks into my Weber GBS system and still haven't mastered using it. How did you setup the grill for baking the pizza? How hot was your temperature? I`'ve tried using the charcoal baskets, temp was too low. Then I tried an even layer of charcoal covering the bottom of the grill, temps went up to around 230° celcsious but as soon as I put the stone on, it dropped and stayed to about 190° keep in mind I was using a full chimney of charcoal weber long lasting briquettes.

Does anyone have any tips,tricks or suggestions to get the best heat, and if the top and bottom vents should be all the way open or not? Thanks, this is really frustration!!!!!
Hi Geir,

Pizza looks great! I have the pizza stone that locks into my Weber GBS system and still haven't mastered using it. How did you setup the grill for baking the pizza? How hot was your temperature? I`'ve tried using the charcoal baskets, temp was too low. Then I tried an even layer of charcoal covering the bottom of the grill, temps went up to around 230° celcsious but as soon as I put the stone on, it dropped and stayed to about 190° keep in mind I was using a full chimney of charcoal weber long lasting briquettes.

Does anyone have any tips,tricks or suggestions to get the best heat, and if the top and bottom vents should be all the way open or not? Thanks, this is really frustration!!!!!

You can find the answer to most of your questions if you read the post from the start.

To sum up- I have the "old" weber pizza stone. Not the gourmet version, and I think I've tried every trick suggested on this site, as firebricks, skewers to let in more air and so on. This contraption works better than the other solutions. I've never tried ready- made pizza tops from other suppliers.

