Weber Kettle Colors - Promotions?



I think I'm going to buying a new 22.5 kettle, as my old one is fairly tired. I know a few years back Weber was working with Crate and Barrel (I believe it was them) where they had a few extra colors like pastel blue and green. Is weber doing any promotions like that right now, or am I stuck with black, green, and copper for my color selection? Thanks!
Wow those are really cool looking

I know you can get Crimson through Ace hardware or crate and barrel has a blue performer
That "Spring Green" was a crate and barrel color from what I remember. I like the Crimson from Ace. Anyone know of any other colors available out there?
Many companies do promo items like the Jameson's grill. Always ask the manager if the item is for sale after the promo. Most reputable vendors will sell and donate the $ to their corporate charities. You can find some great and rare items, like the spring green weber above, New Belgium Brewery bikes, etc.
I have been away from home for work the past two weeks.
I found this brand new, big Weber promotion in a local hardware store...

Only problem is that the store is in Tuscany, Italy.
I was at home depot the other day & they had a tag hanging on the (black) kettle on display. The tag said that other colors were available by special order. I don't remember what colors were available but I want to say there was Maroon & Grey, possibly others.
SteveCK, just curious but what's wrong with your old kettle? What year is it from? I still cook on 40 year old kettles.
I have an old red Weber. I bought this one in a thrift store in Richmond, VA about 12-13 years ago. I had never seen a red one and I had to have it.


