Weber Genesis Platinum, I bought in Wausau,Wisconsin. Will be drastically modified.

Turkey looks great Mark!

How do the smoke tubes light? I have a smoke box in my 330 from a Genesis that sits below grate level that once the chips start it’s great. But it takes a while to get going but I’ve been pretty happy with the results.

When I switch to my platinum that box will no longer work. So I’m thinking a smoke tube it’s going to be in my future.
A propane torch (plumbers) works great. I find its best to hit it hard and get a good flame going (standing upright) and let it go for ~5 minutes --- if it goes out before that time - relight it. You need a pretty good sized cherry coal to keep it going. You have to be careful when you set the tube down in the grill so that the coal doesn't fall too far from the chips/pellets in the tube --- you can insert a nail thru the holes in the tube to help prevent this if needed. There is no reason to put the tube below the grates - its just more hassle that isn't needed.

I never had much luck with the boxes myself..... they would never stay lit.
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For our fist rotisserie experience in decades, if not ever, I/we rate the out come a 8/9, only wishing the skin was a hair/tad bit crisper.

I'm very confident that the next bird will have a crispier skin 🤔

Bruce and all the others that offered up advice/suggestions, I thank you very very much 🤜🤛

Merry Christmas👋1000008920.jpg

