Water pan went dry

Drastic, but I did this. Forgot some sugar water on stove (humming bird food) and boiled it dry. Really nasty hard stuff burnt on bottom of pot. Got a small abrasive disk and put on my Dremel tool. Cleaned it off real quick and pot was as good as new.
In a perfect world IMO you should use just enough water so most if not all of it is gone and then you don't have to deal with a bunch of greasy water.
Like Mike said add some water and boil it off or you can get it back to almost new with easy off.
I rarely use water and my pan looks like somewhat seasoned steel pan
Like the others have said heat and water work good on cleaning things.
There are other things like scottsbrite wheels and wire wheels that you can use in a drill motor or on an angle grinder if you want something very clean looking.
I prefer using cleaning wheels that have adapters for a drill motor because their speed is adjustable and they can grind & polish slow comfortably whereas a grinder for the most part is all out full throttle and is easier to get in trouble with.
Good luck to you.

