Water pan cleaning

I quit trying to protect the pan with foil about a year ago. Just didn't work for me. Last week, after a smoke, I had a simmering mixture of water, pork and beef fat in the pan. While it was still hot, I dumped it (using welding gloves) then wiped it out with a big handful of dry grass clippings. It is now cleaner than it's been in years...
I empty the pan and soak it in a utility tub for about 30 minutes in hot soapy water. Then I use a metal scrubby and it takes about 2 minutes to get it clean. This is the procedure I use for my grates also.
I dump my water right away. I use it to deter ground hogs that live under a boulder in my yard. Then soak the pan in hot water and Dawn....comes pretty clean....never really had a problem.
Originally posted by Lindsey Maddox:
I quit trying to protect the pan with foil about a year ago. Just didn't work for me.
Exactly. The foiling of the dumb thing was more of a hassle than cleaning it up afterwards. Maybe because it was the brinkman, so a sheet of even the wider HD foil doesn't cover it in one go, so it just wasn't worth it to me.
here's my solution for keeping the water pan clean... layer of foil, layer of sand, two layers or foil. if you still don't get it check this out.
Originally posted by Anthony Wheeler:
Where do you dump the grease/water from your waterpan? Is it safe to just dump it in the yard?

Especially good around your wife's expensive rose bushes. Sorry, just kidding. The scent might build up and attract skunks, racoons etc.
Use your Google-Fu to look up "Powdered Brewery Wash", just soak your pan and/or grates overnight and they'll rinse clean the next day.

