However, the dreaded "black flakes" are always a threat if cooking dry a lot and going back to a long cook with water. Make sure there's not too much build-up in the dome before starting that brisket cook if you use water.
Now there's the difference experience makes!! I wish I'd seen your post before I started.
Things are going along this morning just fine. Rubbed up the brisket last night, wrapped and ready for this morning. Out of the wrap...smells gooood. Smoker's fired up nicely, Brinkman pan on about half full. Got the brisket on for a couple of minutes, hooking up the 732, pull off the dome and what the that?? Black flakes all over the top of my brisket!! Anyway messed up my cook a bit in the beginning, screwed up the bark a little too wasn't terrible but not worth bragging about. I did not like the water pan!!!
I'm liking the clay saucer only more & more. I did the washer mod and brought the bottom of the grill straps in a little closer for a tighter fit. Does not interfere with the lower rack either.
Thanks for the warning Dave. Too bad I didn't see it sooner.