Warning: Chimneys and Flip Flops Don't mix


Joe Stephen

New member
I arose via my pre-set alarm clock at 3am to kick off a butt smoke on the WSM. Had everything ready. Butt rubbed and ready, Charcoal ring loaded, chimney pappered on the bottom with 25 K-briqs ready to be lit with a weber fire starter chunk.

Set the butt out of the fridge onto the table to let it warm a bit, stepped into my flip-flops and headed out to the back to light the chimney.

Everything running like clockwork, went back inside flipped on the tube and waited about 15 minutes or so for the coals to get good and glowing. Using the minion method for the smoke and I like the coals I dump on to be good and grey.

Success the coals were perfect. Picked up the weber chimney and carried it over to the WSM and spread the coals nice and even. Then it all went south

All of a sudden I felt this uncontrollable urge to hop around on one foot and weave a string of profanity that could only be wove when one is inspired, truly inspired.

An ash or a small chunk of coal had fallen from the chimney and perched itself squarley on the cutical of my right foot big toe, and once more it had evidently grown fond of that perch because it took more that one Rockett esq leg kick to get it to fly away.

As Richard Pryer said "fire is a motivator they oughta use it in the olympics"

Lesson learned here, Chimney and Flip-Flops DO NOT MIX. Anyone know where I can pick up a set of fireproof boots size 12, oh and make them a triple E extra wide to make room for the bandaged toe

also shorts, open high topped boots, etc are just asking for it.
Wow, I've been using an old ragged pair of Birkenstocks for years, and haven't had this problem. Sucks though.

I know that you shouldn't unload wood from the back of a pickup, while wearing open toed sandals though. My step mom crushed my dads big toe like a grape tossing wood to him from the bed of the truck, to where he was stacking it on the ground. Apparently he wasn't ready to catch that one....

Post some pictures of the gore...
If you use a weed burner you won't have to worry about hot coals dropping on your toes. Well, maybe if you use lump a spark or two may get ya!
Dude, your "word picture" was enough to raise a blister on MY toe

Hope all is well with you now !

I always were sandals or flip-flops and I'm sure it's just a matter of time before this happens to me.

Thanks for the visual.

I'll wear my Keens with the enclosed toes from now on.
Originally posted by Joe Stephen:
weave a string of profanity that could only be wove when one is inspired, truly inspired.

That is so funny, I've done that before
Every word is a swear word and it still makes perfect sense lol. I was completely barefoot and stepped on a coal that fell out of the bottom, lump is the worst for that. I think the bottom of the foot is better then the top though, it's a little tougher. Oh well, lesson learned huh?

I've never had my foot injured, and I too wear sandals. Now that I'm using the Original Charcoal company lump (read - Fireworks) it does get hairy. I got nailed by a piece of exploding lump - hit me in the face, about 1" below my eye.

Now, I'm not going to don safety goggles and the like. Just chalking it up as a freak occurrence.
Wow, that is some funy stuff right there, great story! I too cook in my sandals on those early morning rendezvous'. Good cautionary tale for all of us, i haven't burnt myself yet, but I think my days are probably numbered as well, esppecially if I use that damn Cowboy lump anymore, more sparks there than the opening ceremonies!
Wow I know what you mean one day after dunping the coals I ran out to put meat on and forgot my flip flops. An ember most have fallen out on the patio. I step on it an it stuck to the bottom of my foot. I didn't know I could scream that high Sounded like my 14 year old daughter.

I gues I will never be a fire walker.
I too have made that mistake (Once)!

Ran out to do something on the grill and I was barfoot. Coal stuck to foot, did the same dance, speaking in tongues, etc., but the tri-tip came out great 10 minutes later and I forgot the pain.

The next two weeks were another story!

Wear your shoes!
I'm usually barefoot!
But then again I usually put the chimney starter in my OTG since it lives right next to the WSM. I did have something similar happen when camping a few weeks ago. I was at Cape Henlopen State Park and they have fire rings at the camp sites. Well someone have moved the fire ring with a lit fire inside of it and didn't feel the need to mention this important piece of information. Well needless to say I walked right where the fire ring had been. I was wearing crocs and a lit coal popped right inside one of air holes. I was doing the hot foot dance and kicked off my croc, which flew 3 campsites over. I feel your pain.
Well someone have moved the fire ring with a lit fire inside of it and didn't feel the need to mention this important piece of information.
Years ago a group of us were at Bethany Beach, DE and one of the guys put a charcoal grill (without legs) in the sand, threw in charcoal and lit it. He then grilled some burgers and when done cooking, he picked up the grill and dragged it to the water to cool it. He never told anyone about the hot sand under the grill and another guys wife stepped in the hot sand. Third degree burns to both feet, and she couldn't walk for about 4 weeks. Sad lesson.

As the saying goes "been there done that" for me as well. At a contest one time got everything going Sat. morning went in the motorhome, took a shower, cooked me some breakfast etc. Went outside to check on things barefooted after my shower, found the only hot peice on coal laying on the ground within miles of there, it literally buried up in my foot under the skin to my knee bone felt like. I couldn't even kick it loose, finally had to sit down and pick it out with a stick.

Good luck to you guys still brave enough to go shoeless, I hope you continue to be lucky!
Speaking as someone that hardly owns a pair of socks, and wears birks most of the time, it's really not a problem.

Learn to flip 'em out of your sandal when some ash or coal lands in there. It's only when you lift the chimney to dump in the WSM, IMO. I start mine in the kettle or smokey joe, just because I like to have the minion lumps ready in the WSM, but have learned to be nimble when moving them to the WSM as they do fall out the bottom...again, flip 'em outta there, one needs to be on their toes so to speak!
Been there as well. Hurts like a mo' flicker. Living in CA I wear flip flops the bulk of the year, unless I'm on the golf course. Can't support the golfing sandal. Although I can support the BBQ sandal!!

