Vortex thighs


Andy Kaminski

TVWBB All-Star
After seeing the pics of KFC this morning I just had to try it again for myself.

The cook was ok.
The meat tasted fantastic.
A solid 8-8.5 out of 10 for its taste and texture.
The bark was maybe a 6 out of 10.
The spicing on the skin was a tad hot but it made the meat taste better.
With the bark getting a score of 6, meat @ 8, corn 9, fresh sourdough @9 I’d consider it a good meal.

All that being said,
I just wish I could plate up some beautiful KFC like I’ve seen done here.
I soaked the thighs in buttermilk, pickles and pickle juice for half the day.
My mix was Dixie fry with a handful of misc spices.
A simple one dip and to the grill.
Not bad but I was hoping it would look a bit better.


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Looks great, maybe pizza tonight then?
Did you butter the corn and then wrap it bare in foil? I do this sometimes and it comes out good.....cooking it in the husk is nice and makes a real good cob but the amount of mess it makes is crazy......
I am going to pick up some sort of non shake n bake breading and give it a go here soon.....no corn for at least a month yet.....:cry:
Hi Darryl, the stores around here are full of really nice sweet white corn and I’m taking advantage of it.
I think this batch of corn is coming from south of America since I don’t think our California corn is quite ready yet, but I could be wrong.
I’m currently hanging out at the Canadian border and the is no local corn here yet.

Last week I filleted some raw corn and fried it with a bunch of Hispanic and Asian seasonings.
I just winged it for burrito filling and it was the star of the meal.
I might even just use it as a side salad next time.

For this corn I soaked it (in husk) completely submerged in a large casserole dish with a weight on it for a half day.
I them rolled it in foil (with leak points located upward), bbq’ed it with the chicken and pulled it at 30 minutes.
I considered adding a little bit of butter but since the husk was still tight I didn’t think it would do much other than get messy.
Hi Darryl, the stores around here are full of really nice sweet white corn and I’m taking advantage of it.
I think this batch of corn is coming from south of America since I don’t think our California corn is quite ready yet, but I could be wrong.
I’m currently hanging out at the Canadian border and the is no local corn here yet.

Last week I filleted some raw corn and fried it with a bunch of Hispanic and Asian seasonings.
I just winged it for burrito filling and it was the star of the meal.
I might even just use it as a side salad next time.

For this corn I soaked it (in husk) completely submerged in a large casserole dish with a weight on it for a half day.
I them rolled it in foil (with leak points located upward), bbq’ed it with the chicken and pulled it at 30 minutes.
I considered adding a little bit of butter but since the husk was still tight I didn’t think it would do much other than get messy.

I have done corn in so many ways and as of now my easiest and favorite way to go is to husk it and butter and salt it and wrap it in foil tight.
you can get those golden kernels if you leave one side on hot for longer.....
Fresh corn is going to be frozen so I can use it all next season.....and it is going to be a big staple in my taco type cooks very shortly.

