Paul Warner
Haha, great minds think alike! That is my plan A! I will get the aluminum components sand (glass) blasted as they are very grimy, the usual scrape and polish on the porcelain parts then repair and paint the frame. All the SS parts are mint so just need a polish. 2 inch castors are ok and the 8 inch wheels are fair but will need some sparkle and new trims.I used stainless bolts on the bottom (firebox) where you wouldn't see them, but I used the original ones, repainted, on the endcaps just because I prefer the cleaner look. Just a preference.
I have the 9mm SS grates from my FT 400 as i replaced them with the CI crafted ones to accommodate the CS crafted griddle. Burners are ok but i will likely replace as well as the flav bars. The biggest challenge is the broken flav bar holder but i may look at getting something fabricated.
The below is just for one!!
Part WEB96830 - Appliance Factory Parts
BTW, how do your reinforcement plates attach?