Vietnamese grilled chicken

Looks excellent!

Sear off first over the Vortex then indirect for the rest of the cook?
Seared first, using the CI grate with JD coals in charcoal baskets (CBs). Then moved to indirect for around 30-35 minutes to reach 175/180°F. Then brought back to direct sear to ensure the final skin crisp and set some char on both side. The key it to keep moving the pieces on the final sear so as to not burn the skin as there’s sugar in this recipe.

This is my goto method for perfect chicken and skin 100% of the time.

I have a vortex but find it. It really needed when using the WSK. The WSK delivers high temps pretty much every time when in full vents open mode.
Great! I love your cooking style :love:
I define it as California Crazy style. Grill anything and everything and cook form all cultures and cross pollinate all cultures with other cultures.

Example, this chicken makes great tacos with shredded cabbage and served with the original marinade that’s been cooked and some water added to it to stretch the flavors out some.

There you have Vietnamese chicken tacos.

