very impressed -> wicked long burn time



TVWBB Member
so.... i loaded up the WSM with coals at about 10am yesterday morn to prep for ribs to be ready to eat at about 5-530pm... dumped a small amount of lump in the ring, filled a chimney (a small generic one), fired it up and once they were good and burning i dumped it on the small pile, covered with a ~little~ more lump, 4 chunks of hickory and got t up to about 325... poured water, added ribs, temp came back down to 230° perfectly and held it until about ribs were done at about 430ish... pulled everything off and covered the WSM, well, when i left my brothers place the grill was still holding about 240° at 10pm... unreal!!!! judging by the amount of coal still left I'd venture a guess that it probably held that temp for another 4-6hrs... I've really gotta learn how little coals i need for this thing... hehehe
slightly overcooked (they dried up a bit more than i like), but still extremely tasty and the cook got tons of compliments so i'm chalkin it up to me being my own worst critic... had to chuckle a bit... the men made every scrap of food from scratch (ribs, adobo chicken, cole slaw and tater salad), the women did the canned stuff and premade foods... talk about a reversal of rolls...
I did nearly the same with similar muss, no fuss, rock stable temp (248) for 4 hours for the ribs. Then I remembered an old post about re-smoking a ham for intense flavor. I had some ham hocks for navy bean soup on hand and smoked them for 3 soup I ever made!
Shut the vents down when you are done, it'll choke out the coals once they cool off just put them aside in a sealed metal container of some kind for next time.

My WSM is the same way. It holds temps perfectly but when I close all of the vents the temp will stay around 200 for quite a while. Door is pretty smoke escapes. I guess being in 3 pieces makes for just enough air to keep coals going. Unlike my kettle which will put coals out in a second!! Anyone else experience the same thing???

