Version 2 of my homebrew controller

Great news and thank you for your efforts! Was the 32M upgrade required for all the packages you're running? Also how did you handle the 5v/3.3v conversion for the ttl logic? One of the Maxim chips or a homebrew design?

Again, great work I really thing using serial will improve reliability.
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">how did you handle the 5v/3.3v conversion for the ttl logic? One of the Maxim chips or a homebrew design?

I used a 12k/18k voltage divider on the transmit line (only) on the ATMega. You would need a 233xxx (low-voltage) Maxim chip for this application and I couldn't find one that was reasonably priced. I think the two-transistor level-shifter schematic from Sparkfun would work, too, but I had problems that might have been self-inflicted. BTW, you will need that level-shifter anyway to interface the router serial to your computer serial (if your computer has a serial port, that is!) for debugging/troubleshooting.

Many, many times I thought I might have bricked the router but was able to recover it through the serial port. Be forewarned that it doesn't take much to stop the router from communicating through TCP/IP. Being able to talk to the router serially is a must. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

My thoughts exactly about the serial. Sounds like you have this well underway. As an aside, I have considered getting one of the new netduino plus modules. It has an ethernet interface, an SD interface, 2UARTs, and is native 3.3v TTL. All for $60. Downside it it's a different programming language, .NET micro.

Here's a link for those interested.
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
Are you considering porting the heatermeter project to the Netduino platform? That sounds like a lot of work, but if you enjoy that kind of stuff, it's no work at all...but for someone like me that couldn't program his way out of a wet paper bag, it would be next to impossible.

No, well maybe. It boils down to this. I don't want to rely on a PC to do the datalogging so what would be easier to write the code to store, organize, and retrieve the temp data for graphing? The DD-WRT/linksys or the Netduino plus, Fez, etc...
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
This pic shows the ambient sensor (thermistor) mounted to the blower inlet. Several layers of heat shrink and a screw through the middle secure it very well.

I am continually impressed with the stuff you build, Ed!

It is too bad the ground of the fan goes through the MOSFET or else you could use a stereo 3.5mm jack and headset cable to run both the sensor and the fan power on the same line/plug. Dammit this all goes back to the fact that if the voltage for the fan was actually regulated properly, the ground would still be always grounded and it would work.
People considering this project:

The awesome people at SparkFun are doing FREE DAY again this year on Jan 13th. FREE DAY is just what it sounds like: they're giving away anything you buy for free, you just pay shipping. The rules this year are that you get $10 free just for showing up, and 10 more dollars for every basic electronics question you answer correctly, up to $100 max.

This is a perfect time to get an Arduino Uno, Duemilanove, or even a WiFly adapter to create some sort of newer awesome HeaterMeter for just a few dollars.

Full details:
Oh that's a really good idea to vhost the router management stuff so you don't have to work the HeaterMeter UI into the DD-WRT UI. Have you tried the WRT package for rrdtool? I'm wondering if it can generate graphs directly on the device or if it doesn't have the horsepower to make them in a timely fashion.

I've been playing with some RRDs to see if it gives me all the information I need without storing full logs. It looks fairly decent though.

The big plateau phase is the conversion the connective tissue, as we all know. However, McGee says in On Food and Cooking that this process happens most thoroughly at lower temperatures, around 220F. I think that's where the concept of cooking BBQ at 225F comes from. I'd be interested in knowing if a higher temperature during this time would result in a significant reduction in tenderness. There's also the option of increasing the pit temperature both before and after that period and lowering it during.
Originally posted by Bryan Mayland:
Oh that's a really good idea to vhost the router management stuff so you don't have to work the HeaterMeter UI into the DD-WRT UI. Have you tried the WRT package for rrdtool? I'm wondering if it can generate graphs directly on the device or if it doesn't have the horsepower to make them in a timely fashion.

I've been playing with some RRDs to see if it gives me all the information I need without storing full logs. It looks fairly decent though.

The big plateau phase is the conversion the connective tissue, as we all know. However, McGee says in On Food and Cooking that this process happens most thoroughly at lower temperatures, around 220F. I think that's where the concept of cooking BBQ at 225F comes from. I'd be interested in knowing if a higher temperature during this time would result in a significant reduction in tenderness. There's also the option of increasing the pit temperature both before and after that period and lowering it during.

If the WRT can't handle the rendering of the image server side we can use this:


The raw data is passed to the client and JS renders the image within the browser. Check out the examples page.
Here a sample of the output with some test data. Not as pretty as the RRD yet but you get the idea. You can also select and deselect which plots are visible.

Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Hmmm...I wonder if it would be possible to make the chart plotting a part of a router-served web page


It does take a bit of time (just under 40 seconds for a 400x250 plot...just under a minute for this 515x385 plot) and it choked on a couple of the parms in the .conf file having to do with the x/y label position, and had to use an internal non-scalable font, but it did make me a nice little (14k) .png file!


Nice work Ed!
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RJ Riememsnider:
Hey Bryan, what are the functions of S1-S4?

Is this correct?

RJ, Bryan, please excuse me for butting in here...but it's S1[LT], S2[DN], S3[UP], S4[RT]

EDIT: Double-check...UP increments, DN decrements setpoint, LT is Home (Cancel in edit mode), RT goes to next menu state... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

What are you guys thinking for time stamps, rely on NTP or are you planning on using an RTC?
If we do away with the WiShield and use Pin 0/1 RX/TX to do serial comm with the linksys we should have SPI pins free to use the one wire or am I overlooking something??????
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
RJ, what are your thoughts? Netduino, router, RTC? Use a Heatermeter with a ToughBook?

There are a lot of variables here and I think a lot of goals as well. What you are looking for is different than what I am looking for so in order to satisfy all it increases cost and complexity. That said I think there are some fundamental truths here that we can all agree on which I humbly think we should use as a basis for the ongoing design.

I like many things about the Netduino/Netduino Plus. It is more robust, has more IO more powerful, is native 3.3vTTL serial, has SD capability, arguably a better dev environment, and a better IP stack. Unfortunately I don't think it is quite ready for prime time, there is still a lot of alpha code and not nearly as may options as the arduino platform.

I think the ideal solution is the WRT router to host the IP stack, manage the data, and act as a case. I can't think of a more cost effective solution with robust wireless and TCPIP support. Thanks for the great idea Ed! This would be interfaced via serial to an arduino that handles the temp monitors, the LCD, and blower/electric element control. I like the idea of an RTC mainly because I think it simplifies data collection/storage for those that would want to have a historical record of cooks. Besides, it's $10 and easily made an optional component.

That said, I think we should consider what are the crucial features and make sure that are implemented on the Arduino UNO/duemilanove board. Since the newer Mega 2560 is pin compatible it could support all those functions but also have plenty of IO for those want to be able to add more options like fancier displays, more temp probes, humidity probes, alert buzzers/strobes, low fuel warnings, etc. The mega is really overkill but I just don't think the UNO/duemilanove is up to the task and there isn't a step in between.

Last we have graphing. This isn't crucial for me but I want it really really bad. My fear in having the router render the images is the effect on cpu and possibly taking away from time sensitive operations like reading serial data. It may not even be an issue but that's the only real caveat I can think of other than just being generally slow. The way I see it is we have 3 options. Router renders on demand, router renders in background and serves on demand, or router supplies raw data to browser and client renders on demand. Each has pros and cons, I would say to render on the client but my client will be an android phone or ipod touch and I'm not sure what the speed will be. This may also be a non-issue with faster hardware. E2100L routers can be had in the $60 range and have much larger memory and a faster processor. I look forward to seeing how this turns out.

Thanks again to Ed and Bryan for really getting this project moving forward. Your work and talents are greatly appreciated. I look forward to replies and contradictions as I feel an open discourse helps everyone (especially me) learn.

Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
Lest you be looking too far down the road hardware-wise, Confuscius say longest journey begins with first step. And giving credit where credit is due, it was that smart kid Bryan's idea for the router...fortuitously, it just so happened that I could lay my hands on one locally for next to nothing.

Bryan, quick! Come up with some other cool ideas so Ed can bring them to life! Lol. Seriously though, both Bryan and Ed have been tremendous throughout this entire project. Ed, you are amazingly resourceful. I can't believe you took that idea and made it a reality in like two or three weeks time. Crazy!

I wish we all lived closer so we could meet once a week in person to discuss projects or something.

After this week I'm off for the remainder of the year. I hope to put in some serious project time after my xmas shopping is done! I have a box of parts that I'm dying to sink my hands into. I'm also going to be taking advantage of Sparkfun's "Free Day" next year.
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
John, I sincerely thank you for the compliments!

We have a couple of Yorkies, and we buy these big-A$$ rawhide bones for them, I mean bones that would be more suitable for mid-sized or larger dogs. But a dog is a dog, no matter how big or how small, and these doggone dogs will flat-out worry that big-A$$ bone into nothingness in an evening and fight over what's left. One of them wants to bury it for later and the other wants to keep on chewing.


We did the same thing. This was Frank's birthday and it took him 2 days to demolish that thing.

Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
That dog looks like he wants to hurry up with the picture taking so he can get down to some serious chewin'...

I'll bet he'd eat another one if you gave it to him.

And he has, he just hasn't figured out how to walk through a doorway with one yet.

On another note, just got back from the shack with more parts to make a new prototype based on the Mega 2560. Time to play.
Ok, in trying to get the ShiftRegLCD to work I am gettint the same as John was, just a row of blocks. I am running a simple hello world as follows:

#include <ShiftRegLCD.h>

ShiftRegLCD srlcd(8,4, TWO_WIRE);

void setup()
srlcd.print("Hello World");

void loop()

Anything I have overlooked? I haven't seen any one supply VCC to pin 14 on the 74LS164 correct?

Thanks all.
Because Radio Shack may or may not carry the original 10k ohm thermistor I used for my HeaterMeter and I needed an ambient sensor for my dad's build, I picked up a Vishay NTCLE100E3103JB0 from Digikey. The Steinhart-Hart coefficients needed are
{1.1415e-3f, 2.31905e-4f, 9.76423e-8f}, // Vishay 10k NTCLE100E3103JB0

Just look for the line that says Radio Shack 10k and replace it with that.

