using left-over coals in WSM. question...


Ron F

Do I need to do anything different? I usually use my left-over coal just for grilling. How will it affect the WSM? I'm going to do some pork butts FWIW...

Once re-lit, the leftovers seem to burn hotter than fresh new briquets. That may just be perception. I only use leftovers to fire up MM cooks. I guess I like to think a bed of new briquets will burn more evenly than odd-sized pieces. As you said, great for grilling, though.
I usually let the small amount of left over coals burn out because there’s not much to reuse and it would just fall through the grate anyway, however, on the occasion I have a fair amount left over, I do save them for use in the middle or upper part of a full weber chimney being used for grilling.
When I used charcoal, I was like Doug.....I'd use it for starting a chimney and never for a long cook.

I use lump now, and do reuse it pretty much untouched minus the ash.
well I guess I'll do a sort of test then. I have enough left overs to fill the ring. I'll try and do the whole cook with left overs and see what happens...

for grilling, I swear I can re-use coals 2-3 times in my smokey joe...

I use another charcoal grate and criss/cross it with the one that came with the wsm to keep small pieces from falling through.

When I'm done with a cook, if there is a small amount left over, I use it to light the next cook (as Doug indicated). If there is a lot left over, I still empty the ring. I put a layer of fresh, then I pour in the left overs, then I fill the ring as I normally would.

I've never done a cook with an entire ring full of left over. I would wait to try that with a shorter cook like ribs. On a long cook like butts, I want the best chance I can have to go the whole cook without reloading the cooker.
I've only used leftovers for grilling, never for smoking. When I WSM it, it's usually for the long 16-20 hour haul, and all new coals are used. I usually never have to do anything, except replace water if I'm using it.

Once I tried to reuse coals for indirect rotisserie in the baskets. It didn't get hot enough, and had to relight new coals anyway. That was my lesson.
I use the leftovers all the time. Just shake the basket to let the ash drop off, dump fresh fuel over it. I tried to use the leftovers in the chimney several times, but got tired of the small chunks falling through the chimney while hot.
The only problem I say to watch for is don't let the leftover fuel get damp. I keep my WSM in the garage when done so it isn't an issue. Then again, if you dump fresh fuel over top of the leftover that may have got a little damp from humidity, by the time the fresh fuel burns down to it, it should be plenty dry by then IMO.
This past Wednesday, I did a 15 hour overnight, smoking 4 PBs for a feast at work on Thursday. I had about a Weber chimney full of used charcoal that I added fresh on top for a full Minion cook. I encountered a signifcant temperature drop after about 12 hours once the used charcoal started to burn. I had to add about 30 Kinsford brickets to get the temperatures back up. I haven't had that problem before when I used 100% new charcoal. When doing an overnight cook, I will not reuse charcoal again, it's not worth the hassel. The WSM performs so consistently on overnight cooks, that reusing $2.00 worth of charcoal just doesn't pay off.

However, I would reuse on short smokes like chicken, etc.

