using a fan inside a WSM


Paul Lisi

New member
has anyone discoverd a good method of increasing air circulation inside of the WSM for smoking/dehydrating foods. I'm mainly interested in processesing 4-5 grates of venison strips within a 4-5 hour period, and moving air inside would help quite a bit.
Welcome mate. I guess you are looking @ a 130-150f temp? Have all vents open and start with 4 lit and 4 unlit like a mini MM. If it gets to hot take of one briq. Add lit fuel when temp drops.
I don't know if you can get enough air movement out of the cooker through the small vent holes for fast dehydration. Also, if you're applying heat via briquette or charwood, it's not the same kind of dry heat as electric.

What I've done with meat and veg is to apply smoke in the WSM for a period of time, them move the product into an electric dehydrator to finish the process. You can see an example of this in the Smoke Dried Tomatoes article.

I've done a couple of pounds of beef jerky in a wsm, no problem. I'm sure if you did a search or posted in the bbq section, you'll find many people who have done it successfully.
Weber's Smoke cookbook offers a pretty good recipe for jerky in a WSM but mentions no use of a fan.

I made it using the instructions provided and my family loved it. I personnaly think it should have marinaded longer to get deeper flavor but it was good.

I'd be interested in your method and especially the type fan you decide on.

