USDA Choice Brisket at Wal-Mart


Bryan B

I noticed that my Wal-mart has USDA Choice packer briskets in stock now. They used to not even show the grade anywhere on the packaging.

I noticed that some were graded Select and some Choice, but they were sold for the same price. That seemed kind of odd.

I found one that was Choice and the right size so I went with that. I'm assuming it is a legit Choice cut as I would think it would be illegal for them to mis-label it.

I just thought I'd share as I know in the past most people haven't been able to get Choice brisket from Wal-Mart.

I also noticed a sign in the grocery section that advertised that they had Choice cuts of beef. Guessing this is a new initiative for them.
I noticed a few months back that Walmart locally went all choice beef. They have a sign "Guaranteed to like or your money back". I tried a couple steaks, and they were good, but the price was $12-14 / lb. I have a local market that sells much better steaks at that price and they are CAB as well.
I noticed a few months back that Walmart locally went all choice beef. They have a sign "Guaranteed to like or your money back". I tried a couple steaks, and they were good, but the price was $12-14 / lb. I have a local market that sells much better steaks at that price and they are CAB as well.

Have you tried a choice brisket from WalMart? If so, how did it turn out?
I noticed that my Wal-mart has USDA Choice packer briskets in stock now.

Thanks for the heads up. My local Sam's used to carry a wider selection of brisket grades. I even found a Prime flat there a time or two. Lately they've only been carrying Select packers and Choice flats. I'll have to check a few nearby Wal-Marts to see if any of the ones around here are carrying Choice packers.
Bryan I've cooked the choice from Sams Club, Exel was the brand I believe. I cooked it high heat and it turned out good.
I bought a choice packer from Wally World only once, and this was almost 5 years ago. It turned out more than okay, as it cost only .98 Cts a pound. Since then, I've never seen it in there for under 1.50 a lb, and recently the price has gone between 2-5 bucks a pound. More often than not I'm stuck with select grade.
I've picked up Wally World packers but they weren't marked with a grade. One turned out EXCELLENT and the others were so so but I blame the cook more than the meat.
Interesting. WM has always carried "no roll " or unmarked briskys out here, which make great HH briskets.
Might have to check this out if I can get past the parking lot.

Was just at my local Walmart and checked the packers. It was $2.58 lb. for USDA Choice. I did go to Smart and Final (west coast) and they had packers for $2.30 lb for USDA Select.
Was just at my local Walmart and checked the packers. It was $2.58 lb. for USDA Choice. I did go to Smart and Final (west coast) and they had packers for $2.30 lb for USDA Select.

That's exactly what I paid in South Carolina. Looks like the pricing and availability is consistent throughout the US, considering i"m in SC and you're in CA.
Came here looking for advice on Wal Mart Choice packers after just visiting my WM in Western Washington. $2.58 a pound and like the OP, saw both Choice and Select for the same price. I compared the marbling on the two and couldn't really see a difference. I don't have alot of experience with brisket so not sure if that is common or not.

My local Costco sells their Choice brisket for double the price. Not sure why...
My local Kroger carries Excel briskets, I see a mix of Select and Choice in there too. I bet Excel just mixes them up in the cases.

Either way I care more about how the specific brisket looks than what's on the label. A whole cow is graded by a cut of the loin. There's no guarantee that a Choice loin means you get a Choice-quality brisket off the cow. I've seen Select briskets that probably should have been Choice, and Choice briskets that probably should have been Prime. Those are the ones I buy. Every trip to the store I look through all their briskets and if I find a particularly good one, it goes home with me and sits in the freezer until it's time for BBQ.

