UK Briquettes, Heat Beads MIA? Alternatives wanted....


Dave Z

TVWBB Member
I am a long time WSM user based in the UK. I like to use a mix of mostly Australian Heat Beads plus some lump and wood chunks.

In the UK, Austrlian Heat Beads have been getting harder and harder to get - so I guess I need to find an alternative? At least that is my experience.

Any recomendations as an alternative would be welcome.

I found heat beads to be expensive (I am originally from the USA) but they worked really well and were worth it. Thanks!
For the last couple of years I have been using cocoshell briqs. They burn hotter than AHB, and they are miserly on consumption if cooking L&S, and only +/-5% ash. A bit more expensive, but worth it. (ProQ - Napolean - Ecobrasa - Big K - Black Pearl etc).
What is the difference between Heat Beads BBQ briquettes and, let's say, Royal Oak Chefs Select briquettes other than the manufacturer ?
Not sure of the difference Bob.
But I would like to add, there are a high quality briq. Very reliable. I've used them for years.
I can put 15 lit briqs minion and I know I'm golden after 30 minutes for L&S.

