Two Butts at night, 22.5 needs more fuel?

Outstanding Dave!! Thanks for the update...and the colorful praising of the pork!!

Glad to know it still works with the big dog. Was a little concerned about that when I bought mine.

JimK I cannot take credit for this about it *somewhere* on the WWW. If I recall correctly whoever it was even posted pictures of the pre-lit setup. Be darned if I could find it again though.

Everyone should try this at least once. After all the effort it feels like your touching off a nuclear reactor in your back yard. LOL

Dave.....couple of quick comments as I was reading your posts.

The more I use my 22 WSM, the better the fuel "mileage" since it's building an internal layer of residue which is acting as an insulator and air leak sealer.

A foiled clay saucer seems to work best for me since it is a constant heat sink, not variable as water since it evaporates.

I use an ATC system (Guru), but the minion start I use is less aggressive and slower starting than some. I literally dump one whole 20lb bag of standard Kingsford into my ring while interspersing a few chunks of wood as I fill. I light off no more than 12 briquettes and place them evenly over the top of the unlit K.

I run my system at 225 dead on the money. Be sure to keep it out of drafty locations for maximum control.

I cook butts at 225 for an average of 13 hours. I have never added fuel to the original 20 pounds from the start. I pull the butts at 195 internal temp before foiling to rest. Tender as a mother's love.
Saw the WSM smoker jackets. Where does the smoke vent from? And at $125? I can buy a lot of meat with $125. Looks nice though...
Anyone know if you can use a Guru smoking jacket without the Guru? I sleep just fine going to bed after I top off my wsm's ECB water pan, so I see no need for the guru expense. The jacket sure would be nice for conserving charcoal and slowing down the air in the cooker, though.

