two briskets on

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Bill Small

Bought a couple of flats from Sams last night. Gave them a good rub with Bill's Brisket Rub and refridge over night. Got the smoker up to 225 this morning and the briskets went on at 10. Brisket sammies for dinner tonight.
Yummie Bill...However, I have found that I am not as big of a fan of just flats as I am the whole packer. Also could be the fact the BJ'S flats kinda suck(at least in Cleveland).

I usually opt for the cryovac of Butts instead of the flats...hope yours turn out ok! Glad someone is using the WSM on a Monday morning!
Bill -- what is sam's charging for flats?? I saw them in BJ's in Charlotte for $2.99/lb and thought that that was kind of pricy.
Vernon, that's about what I paid at Costco (Chucktown) a few of weeks ago. It ends up costing about the same as the whole brisket if they will give you the case price for one whole one. They will usually do that here. I've had a couple of meat guys not willing to do it (it's got to be a whole case).
Vernon, BJ'S in Cleveland is $2.99/lb for flats...the local butcher is the same price and he can get me full packers!! I go with the local guy for all my brisket needs!
Okay, they turned out great. I had to redeam myself after burning my brisket for Shelby Comp. Served them up with garlic mashers and brussel sprouts. Brought in a brisket wrap for lunch today with chipoltie mayo and mexican cheese. Life is good when its smoked.

Bill The Grill Guy

"LIFE, its what you do inbetween meals"
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