TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
I know this would probably be better classified in the Turkey Talk section, but most of that discussion centers around cooking turkeys on coal burners, I wanted to get a gas turkey grilling thread going to hear some thought with Thanksgiving and the holiday season approaching.
Like, do you "just get a Butterball" or are you one that needs to have that all natural, non-injected, non- prebasted turkey so you can self brine and baste it before cooking?
Do you cook your turkey on the grates or is the roto the only way to go for birds?
How big of a turkey will you be cooking? and for how many people?
Smoke or no smoke for your grilled turkey?
Any favorite basting sauces or methods?
How long and what temp do you cook at? (If citing a temp, clarify if that is the lid thermometer or what other type of thermometer do you use to measure the grill cooking temps?
Stuffed or not stuffed?
Like, do you "just get a Butterball" or are you one that needs to have that all natural, non-injected, non- prebasted turkey so you can self brine and baste it before cooking?
Do you cook your turkey on the grates or is the roto the only way to go for birds?
How big of a turkey will you be cooking? and for how many people?
Smoke or no smoke for your grilled turkey?
Any favorite basting sauces or methods?
How long and what temp do you cook at? (If citing a temp, clarify if that is the lid thermometer or what other type of thermometer do you use to measure the grill cooking temps?
Stuffed or not stuffed?