Trying another overnight pork butt...

Dear Sam,

Relax, have a beer, don't sweat the details so much. Pork butt is pretty hard to mess up. Although next time try your overnight smoke when you don't have to work the next day because sometimes it takes a whole bunch longer than you expect.

I hope the pork turned out great. Keep trying because once you get your method down you won't regret it one bit.
Well, all my worrying for naught.

This one was 2x more tender than the first one, and it fell apart like a dream. The taste is absolutely fantastic!!!!!!

Here's the wrap job by my wife

Testing out the temp. Looks like it had cooled down to about 125-130. I'm a little nervous about that...

Pulling....there was a fraction of the fat that was in the first one!


How can I make sure this is safe to eat? It probably only sat under 140 for an hour if that. Pulled it out of the oven at 201 degrees and wrapped it at 11:00...then it sat in insulation till I pulled it a half hour ago at 126 degrees (6:13) and then popped it in the fridge.
Wise words from Dave from Denver...make sure you have the next day open for any unforeseen circumstances that may occur. Since you are going to reheat it, the temp you pulled it at is probably not a factor...just heat it to 140 minimum and you should be good to go.
BBQ sauce simmering. Simmered it right down to a good BBQ sauce consistency. Not ketchup, but not hot sauce either.

Fills a ketchup bottle perfectly. I shaved the logos for that ultra sleeper look

And the finished product

I brought coleslaw and two dozen buns for snacks for everyone at the office


