Trimmed ALOT of fat from my brisket


John S.

TVWBB Member
Earlier today I prepped a 12 lb. brisket I bought at Samsclub that had an incredible amount of hard fat on it. When I say alot, I mean I trimmed enough fat from it to completely fill two quart ziploc bags. I still left about 1/8th to a 1/4 inch all over. Should I have cut away that much or just done the usual? Should I baste more often? I'm not feeding anybody with this one, just slicing and freezing for sandwich meat so a little dried out wont be the end of the world. I just put it on the bullet waiting for temp to get up so any and advice will be appreciated.
Thanks, John
Just went throught the same situation. I filled up the standard plastic grocery bag. I did get it at Sams. I think its going to be fine but I hate that I paid for all that waste.
I have been getting the trimmed briskets. Figure the price is about the same after trimming. They have been coming very good. I was worried about the last one I got. They trimmed all the fat on it but it still turned out nice and tender.
Most of the fat one trims on a brisket is not renderable--it's not going to melt during cooking, or very little of it is. It can buffer the heat for the meat underneath; not a whole lot more.

