

Ben K

New member
Having a family get together this Sat. I need some tips. I will be cooking about 8 tri-tips, half on my WSM the other on a BGE. I was wondering if it is better to cook low and slow or at a higher temp. The majority of other posts have suggested oak to smoke with and a simple salt, black pepper and granulated garlic rub. All posts were kinda torn between 350 temp. and a combo of 225 temp. then searing over direct heat the last 5 to 10 min. Whats best?

What's best is subjective of course. I prefer the high heat method; 350+ and cook to med rare/ med. Slice thin and enjoy. Oak works very well with beef. For your rub, some use the Santa Maria rub, for which I've found countless variations. I'll let you do your own search! Chris has a very good outline in the cooking section that covers tri tips.
Low and slow would allow you to have the whole tri-tip cooked to the same doneness and more time for the smoke to be infused.

Cooking at 350 would give you a more of a variety of finished temps due to the tri-tip shape.

