Tri Tip Tag Team

Love the tag team! Great-looking cook!

The BGE worked well for the cold smoking phase and the initial low-temp smoke.

Cold smoking was roughly 50-50 Pecan and Post Oak chips in the smoke tube. TriTip was still frozen in the center when it went on. 100+ degree heat and the heat from the smoke tube worked well to finish the defrost. IT of the TriTip was 60F after an hour or so of cold smoking

The WSK was going to do the second round of smoking but it needed some cleaning. One of my last cooks made a mess and clumped some gunk on the sweeps and the bottom. I lit a very small amount of coal in the bottom of the KA basket and let the BGE come up slowly to about 250F. Bottom vent nearly closed and top wide open and it crept up from 100F to about 250F over the 20 to 30 mins that I was cleaning the WSK. Set a temp alarm for 120F. pulled the TT at 124F internal.

I almost did the entire cook on the BGE, but I needed more space for the six ears of corn. With welding gloves I pulled the KA basket from the BGE and dumped it into the WSK on the lower rack of the WSK along with some used briquettes and used lump. Corn had plenty of space.

When the corn was nicely charred I removed the 24 inch grid and put the 18 inch BGE cooking grid down on the upper coal grate level. TriTip had a good 20 minute rest at "room temperature" which was about 95F so it was a pretty quick sear. having the 18 inch grid close to the coal was great, but I needed my long tongs and a glove as it was hot.

Kids were hungry and half was gone before I could get a picture carving and the reviews indicated it was one of my better TT cooks.

I personally love the mix of post oak and pecan. A slow smoke to 124/125F is my new normal. I used to pull at 120F and then sear, but a few more degrees lands a more tender cook.

Not many leftovers but enough for a couple Tri Tip Taco's for lunch.
Looks perfect Dan. Lots of TTs on here recently, got to get one out of the freezer and join in the fun.
Thanks for the positive comments. While there are many ways to cook a tri tip and I think I've got the reverse sear method down.

I think I've said this before, but rare tri tip is chewy. It needs to be closer to medium. The pics make it look more rare than it is. It was 125F when I pulled it from smoke, and it was wrapped for 25 mins then seared hard for a minute on each side for several minutes.

I plan on 3 1/2 to 4 hours from start to plating and that includes a 10 to 30 minute rest to get coals up to temp for searing and/or cooking sides.
Looks perfect Dan. Lots of TTs on here recently, got to get one out of the freezer and join in the fun.
May I suggest trying one on your pellet smoker from frozen. I did one on my pit boss pellet and it was really good.

My pit boss pellet was not PID ( like your Camp Chef ). The smoke settings were based on a timer delay and on P6 or P7 it would hold at about 180F. reviewing pics in the cook this one was done at P7, but I had a flame out once at P7 so I went back to P6

Anyway, I more or less did the same style cook. Put it on frozen with some seasoning on top at a low temp smoke. After an hour or so checked on it and it had thawed enough to put a meat probe in it. Slow smoked it to around 120F and then seared it. I had the tri tip on the upper rack with a griddle on the lower rack over the fire pot protecting the tri tip from direct heat. I don't know if I can remember more details as it was a few years ago.

edit: I found my cook from August of '21

here's the money shot Rich. Go find that TT in the freezer and enjoy !

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May I suggest trying one on your pellet smoker from frozen. I did one on my pit boss pellet and it was really good.

My pit boss pellet was not PID ( like your Camp Chef ). The smoke settings were based on a timer delay and on P6 or P7 it would hold at about 180F. reviewing pics in the cook this one was done at P7, but I had a flame out once at P7 so I went back to P6

Anyway, I more or less did the same style cook. Put it on frozen with some seasoning on top at a low temp smoke. After an hour or so checked on it and it had thawed enough to put a meat probe in it. Slow smoked it to around 120F and then seared it. I had the tri tip on the upper rack with a griddle on the lower rack over the fire pot protecting the tri tip from direct heat. I don't know if I can remember more details as it was a few years ago.

edit: I found my cook from August of '21

here's the money shot Rich. Go find that TT in the freezer and enjoy !

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Looks really good Dan, thanks for sharing it with me. I also have one I want to try from Steven Raichlens book Project Smoke a Smoked Tri Tip.
My CC has the smoke with slide and grill option so I can do the reverse sear on it.

