Trashcan Smoker

Just one comment....
Awesome MS Paint skillz !
Russ, the grate is just sort of wedged in there. You could easily run three screws with nuts through the can at grate height to help hold it in place,
You can "build" any smoker you want...I bet I can produce better BBQ with my WSM than this guy can EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK...TWICE ON SUNDAYS!!
I've made trashcan turkey but not that elaborate. Simply put a stake in the ground with a ball of tin foil on the end. Put the turkey on the stake (the tinfoil ball on the end of the stake slides inside the turkey and keeps it from sliding down the stake). The turkey shouldn't be more than 6 inches off the ground. Flip over a 10 gallon trash can. Put a ring of charcoals around the bottom, about 3 high, and on top of the flipped over trash can, and voila. Hell, throw some taters in foil on top of the coals and they'll be done the same time as the turkey.

That's my only use for trashcans except for, well trash. It is a fun cook to do on a camping trip.
Looks like he can only smoke flat meat. The grate is too close to the flat lid. No pork butts or chuck rolls for him.

And how does he add wood chips?
I'm assuming he just soaks the chips in water and puts them in the box. When they're burnt, you're SOL. Lets see him throw a packer on there.
You might be able to reset the grate by installing 3 bolts lower in the can...of course you would need to get a proper fitting grate. It looks like a much cheaper version of the Oil Drum smoker that Rocky character was pitching here a few months back! Haven't heard hide nor hair from that guy since!!
He's probably home trying to figure out why he has kidney problems from all the chemicals embedded in the oil drums. MMMM, chemical laden food.
greg rempe
becarful, statements like that could get out of hsnd. next thing you know people will be investing thousands of dollars traveling across country to prove they can make the best Q.
oops that has already happened!
i have found its not the grill but the cook that makes the Q.
Are there any safety issues to the "trash can method"?
It looks cool just for the novelty aspect--imagine the conversation having several of these at a tailgate party, but then again the conversation about great Q from a WSM would be greater--but in addition to the safety concern I'm wary of temp. control. Have any of you actually tried this or something similar?
I wonder if the zinc coating or whatever in that metal is safe when heated? Or aluminum or whatever. Isn't that stuff toxic?
Zinc vaporizes at over 1600 degrees. As long as the hot plate method is employed, it shouldn't present a problem.
Interesting, but I was more impressed by my scout troop baking a cake underneath a cardboard box (lined with aluminum foil) using a few charcoal briquettes.

