Transporting WSMs


Rich Paq

TVWBB Member
I was thinking that the best way to transport two 22 WSMs to different locations without a full trailer would be to use a cargo carrier. Does anyone have experience with this?? Whats the best way to tie them down?? I would think the best way would be to find a large garbage cans that a 22 WSM would fit in to protect them from the elements then strap themt down somehow. If anyone has pics that would help as well.
When I take my WSM to the campground I place it in the back of my truck fully assembled. I then take a strap and run it from one side of the truck, up and over where the handle is, and down to the other side of the truck. I strap it in and it does not move during the one hour trip on curvy mountain roads.

You should hear the favorable comments I get when I pull into the campground with it in the back! :cool:
There was a photo on here at one time I think of Jim Minion's set up for transportation. He did what Jeff said, strap through the handle of an assembled wsm. IIRC, the picture showed two 18" wsm's on a carrier - the ones that use the trailer hitch (I think what you're calling a cargo carrier). I will look for the picture, but I think you got the right idea. I don't think you need the garbage can but it's a great idea to keep your wsm's safe.


Well I found the picture. NO wonder it was familiar, it was a thread I started. Chris provided pictures of the minion set up but alas, the links to the old site are all broke now and I couldn't get to the pictures. Maybe Chris will read this and has the pictures.

Is this what you're referring to as a Hitch Haul? This is how Minion used to haul his WSMs.

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I do the same thing as Jeff does, but I also added these twist locks that I found here:

It keeps the bottom sections attached to each other and I can carry the whole thing as one unit and strap it down easier.

Several years ago,I took my WSM to a family get together in Maine. I made this crate to take it in the back of my pick up.
[/URL][/IMG] The lid of the WSM is flipped upside down in the cavity,and is strapped in with the bungees. The fire ring goes in the next section,and the grates above that. The last section is for newspaper,smoke wood,other stuff.
Now that I look at the picture,I realize it's actually upside down! The grates are stored below the unit. Silly me!
Several years ago,I took my WSM to a family get together in Maine. I made this crate to take it in the back of my pick up.
[/URL][/IMG] The lid of the WSM is flipped upside down in the cavity,and is strapped in with the bungees. The fire ring goes in the next section,and the grates above that. The last section is for newspaper,smoke wood,other stuff.
Now that I look at the picture,I realize it's actually upside down! The grates are stored below the unit. Silly me!

Now thats a serious way to transport a WSM..

Btw Phil, I dont know if you know this but if you click on the "image code" tab under image tags on photo bucket, it will automatically copy the link, then you can paste it and put up the full picture you are trying to post without everyone being able to go to all your pics.
Thanks Chris thats what I was looking for, now I know it can be done. Rick that is a great idea using those twist locks. Do you guys know what size the cargo carrier has to be to fit a 22 WSM??

