Tonights Cook...Teachers Gifts

For the past 3 years we have been gining BBQ baskets to my kids teachers for Christmas gifts, it has now gotten to the point where the last year teachers are telling the new teachers what they are getting for christmas and how much they miss it, my kids are a grade apart in school so it got so bad this year they teacher that had my oldest son requested my younger son so she would not miss out on the BBQ and she told me that personally, not to mention they are great students but the bbq was the real reason, so I am cooking 7 pork butts on 2 WSM tonight and i will be making homemade salsa as well for 4 different teachers and grandparents, I really love this time of year.

Ready to Rub

rubbed and ready for the smoker
That sounds like a much better gift than a coffee mug. Be careful not to make it too good, they may hold your kids back a grade to keep themselves in bbq!
I have always been amazed at the gifts my students give me each year. We didn't do this growing up at all.

Lots of porcelain, neckties, and famously a half bottle of cheap cologne. Nevertheless, a BBQ basket would absolutely thrill me.

Just out of curiosity, will you post a photograph of a completed basket? My children's teachers may end up better off than our standard gifts from now on.

Very creative. Thanks for sharing.
When I startd them at 6:30 last night it was clear and 52..started raining about midnight..the wsm help temp pretty well went to bed got up at 3:30 started to get cold and freezing back up at 5:30 19 degrees out temps down to 200 on both smokers added more charcoal to both butts at 160, this cook may take a while. Typical Illinois weather 52 to 19 in 12 hours

