Tonight's Brisket

Here is the Brisket rub recipe if interested. DH cut it in half. The full recipe here makes 2 cups, enough for 3 briskets, it says.

Brisket Rub

3/4 cup paprika
1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup ground black pepper
2 TB. garlic powder
2 TB. garlic salt
2 TB. onion powder
2 TB. chili powder
2 tsp. ground red pepper
and then there is a recipe for the Brisket Mopping Sauce and finally served with a Brisket Red Sauce.

We just finished dinner and thankfully DH forgot to take any more photos. DH gave it a Good rating, maybe just on the verge of Very Good, but I would give it just an O.K. rating, not worth typing up or posting pictures. Oh well, on to the next project. lol
Well, at least you posted one photo and a recipe, Joan! :) Sorry it didn't turn out better than OK in your book!

Thanks Rich, I felt so bad for DH who worked so hard on the darn thing. Now comes the decision. What to do with the other half of the brisket in the freezer. lol
Thanks Rich, I felt so bad for DH who worked so hard on the darn thing. Now comes the decision. What to do with the other half of the brisket in the freezer. lol
Yep, back in the saddle, or grind it for burgers, or pot roast it, or make pastrami, or...... :)

What was wrong Joan? Flavor, texture or just more work than the end product merited?
More specific information might help in the de brief.
Tim, I think it is just me. Or at least I think it is. Or maybe the quality of meat these days is just not as good as I remember it. Like, my favorite is pork, and I have not had a really good pork in a very long time.
Tim, I think it is just me. Or at least I think it is. Or maybe the quality of meat these days is just not as good as I remember it. Like, my favorite is pork, and I have not had a really good pork in a very long time.
I’m guessing you might have gotten an irregular brisket. Every year we cook around 2000 pounds of Boston butts for our church BBQ. 95% of the butts cook perfectly and you have to fight with 5% to remove the blade bone.

