Today at Home Depot

That’s a grill restorer’s dream come true! I hope I can get to the closest one almost an hour from me and find that deal.

The sad thing is that this is just one more sign that the parts for the older, “classic” Genesis grills are steadily disappearing. It is going to get harder and harder to keep these gems running and even harder to restore them.
I have gotten some parts for my Genesis at HD, but they don't have very much usually. The igniter you need for your grill is different than the one BryanO posted. You need weber part # 7509.
Thank you, Steve. Your knowledge is so helpful. Just ordered off Amazon. The price seemed fair and I'm pretty sure I'll need to replace mine. Doesn't make any noise when I hit the button.
Man that is an awsome deal. My Home Depot opens in 15 minutes. I will run by to see if they are available. Thanks for the tip. I could always use these.
Scored 3 igniters for me and some E310 grill grates for the EX-Wife's Grill. Thanks!
Also I noticed the Grill Grates rang up 50% off of $24.03 making them only $12

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Unfortunately the Grill Grates I bought for my ex-wife are the wrong ones. They were to big.
The 7524 are for the Genesis 300 series. She has a Spirit E310. I got confused with the excitement.
Still a good deal though for those of you who have a Genesis Grill.
Stopped by the local HD. I picked up 8 of the igniters and two sets of E3xx CI grates. $74.73 after tax. That is less than one set of grates cost normally. Now I have to find a couple E3xx grills to rehab next spring.
I'm wanting to stop by my local Home Depot and see what they have. Was right in the neighborhood this morning but, unfortunately, was for some minor surgery. Nothing serious but it will be at least a few days before I'm able to drive myself anywhere. My wife was so sweet, driving home as if we had a load of unwrapped crystal glassware.
Stopped by the local HD. I picked up 8 of the igniters and two sets of E3xx CI grates. $74.73 after tax. That is less than one set of grates cost normally. Now I have to find a couple E3xx grills to rehab next spring.
I got some of the same today at a local HD. Heck of a deal!
You guys will get a kick out of this.

So last week I scored some CI grates for $25 from HD. Unrelated we have not had a functioning doorbell for a few years now, so after buying a smart wired doorbell for Christmas, I decided to diagnose the issue. Turns out I had a dead transformer. I go up to Lowes and grab a replacement. Also looked for the half off Smokefires but alas no luck. As I am checking out, I remember hey I have a gift card for Home Depot. So I hand the transformer to the cashier and drive over to Home Depot.

At Home Depot I also find the required transformer and go check out to see if there are any other clearance parts for my grill (2009 E310 Genesis with side controls). Another set of the CI grates are there for $25 but I already got one of those so I leave them for someone else. I do spot a set of my flavorizer bars marked down from $56 to $40. I grab those, thinking that I might buy them at 40, and if they go half off at the register, even better! I get to the self checkout register and scan the bars: $0.01. I try again, same result. I call over the cashier and she removes the bars from my scanned items and places them in the cart with a “Merry Christmas!”

Then in my excitement at getting the flavorizer bars for $0, I forgot to use my gift card 😂


