To mist/spray ribs while cooking or not....

I don't see the point either. I also don't foil my ribs like a lot of people do but to each their own.
I don't spray. For flavor, I use a rub. Spraying won't improve the moisture content of meat if that is a concern. If you want to impart flavor in addition to a rub, consider a final glaze just before pulling the ribs off.

Spraying won't add much in terms of flavor unless the spray is fairly concentrated. Still, there are easier ways to accomplish this. What a spray will do, if water-based, is slow the cooking, not something I often find the need for.
When I do Back Ribs (which is the only kind I currently cook), I use only salt and pepper and then mist them with apple vinegar...

But I cook them on the grill (Weber, of course), I don't WSM them. I leave one side of the grill cold and pile up all the charcoal on the other... Then, I sear the outside top to put a slight crust on them, re-season, then stack them on the cold side and close the lid. When finishing, I put them back over the coals. When serving, we slice them individually. Basically, they come out as a dry style with some crisp to them and a hint of vinegar. My kids usually sauce them but I eat them plain and you really can get a good flavor.

Try that way if you have a kettle. You might be surprised.

Spares, I am maybe trying today.
I mist the rib's just to control the bark firmness, i do not like an overdone bark, firm is ok but not overdone. Imho some salt, cummin & pepper is all u really need for flavor.
Originally posted by Noe:
I mist the rib's just to control the bark firmness, i do not like an overdone bark, firm is ok but not overdone. Imho some salt, cummin & pepper is all u really need for flavor.

Yep, me too. Juice, a little oil, and maybe something else. When do you start spritzing, Noe?
Dave i start spritzing about 1.5-2 hrs into the cook so i will not wash off the seasoning.
Apple juice, canola oil & beer works great.
Originally posted by Noe:
Dave i start spritzing about 1.5-2 hrs into the cook so i will not wash off the seasoning.
Apple juice, canola oil & beer works great.

I wait a little longer to start, but I don't cook directly over the coals, either. That sounds like a good spritz. FYI, Gary Wiviott recommends using cranberry juice for the color they add. Sometimes I use it instead of AJ if I think of it ahead of time, but both taste fine on the ribs.
I mist with apple juice, but I am going to go for an attempt without it. I am trying to make things simplier with everything I cook. In my mind I was spraying apple juice so the sugars would carmelize, but I am just going add some sugar to my rub.

I picked up a ZEP spray bottle the other day and it works great. I had used a rubbermaid one for years and it was great till it finally broke. I used the cheap $0.99 from Lowes and Home depot and they wouldn't last. The ZEP was $3 and was well worth it.
Originally posted by Dave Russell:
Originally posted by Noe:

FYI, Gary Wiviott recommends using cranberry juice for the color they add. QUOTE]

Hmmm, if I want a red color I use cherry wood, but I guess cb juice could work and add a new flavor, although past posters don't seem to think spritzing adds flavor generally.

Well i do mist my ribs from time to time. Normaly just with a pure AJ. Why? well if i can add just an ounze of flavour its worth it,if it doesent help flavour wise(cant really tell comparing to the non misted) But as Kevin stated "slow the cooking" - And i know what you mean by that,or to make the surface of the ribs abit more heat resistant.

And if i can get my ribs to render inside when keeping the outside more heat resistant sounds like a great deal.

A mist of room temp AJ will not cool down the ribs(more than the surface) so they will still render,but more heat from the ribs will be used to vaporate the AJ on the outside.(witch slow down the prosses ofc) But i havent done a side by side test on this.

But i guess im one of those that loves the mysticism in BBQ.

But i (to often) do the whole cook the same so i dont really compare the 2.
I spritz with AJ because it gives me something extra to do and it smells good when it steams off. I do it after 3 hours or so because that's when I want to open the lid and see what's going on. I don't agree that there isn't any merit as the sugars will reduce and adhere to the meat as the water evaporates. I do taste it in the final product.

That said, I've either forgotten to do it or been too lazy a few times as well with no ill result.

