Time to clean it lol.


Bob T.

TVWBB Wizard
I did my longest smoke Friday-Saturday. My 11# picnic took 23 hours to get done. I wait 'til the guru probe reads around 190, then use the Nu Temp to check other spots. The probe slid in so easy, I knew it was done no matter what the temps were reading. (193 on the Nu Temp). Outstanding, pull the bone out with 2 fingers done! It was falling apart trying to lift it off the grate. "Best one you ever made" from the Wife/Guest.
Anyway, Near the end of the cook, I noticed the lid was sticking to the middle section. After the smoke and the coals died down, everything was sticking during breakdown lol. Had a heck of a time breaking it down. After a few dozen smokes since I bought it, I guess I should clean the rims/lips up a little bit. Maybe stoke it up and do a hot burn today before I stick the Spareribs on for dinner.

